is required after completion of the maintenance action. The intermediate maintenance activity enters an X if the repair action is ready for issue (RFI).
QA REQ/BCM BLOCK. This is a dual-purpose block for use by the organizational and intermediate maintenance activities. The organizational maintenance activity enters an X if the maintenance action requires a quality assurance representative (QAR) inspection. (Not applicable to collateral duty inspection.) The intermediate maintenance activity enters an X if the repair action is beyond capability of maintenance (BCM).
CORRECTED BY BLOCK. The signature and rate of the worker or crew leader who performs the maintenance action is entered in this block.
INSPECTED BY BLOCK. The signature and rate of the quality assurance representative (QAR) or collateral duty inspector (CDI) who inspects the job for proper standards is entered in this block.
SUPERVISOR BLOCK. The signature and rate work center supervisor or his/her assistant is entered in this block to indicate that screening has been performed and that the quality assurance and tool control program have been maintained.
MAINTENANCE CONTROL BLOCK. The signature and rate of the maintenance control person clearing the discrepancy from the VIDS board.
BLOCKS A08 THROUGH A17 - JCN (JOB CONTROL NUMBER). Enter the assigned job control number. In the case of a maintenance action being performed on a transient aircraft (Navy or non-Navy), the first three positions of the JCN (block A08) are always the organization code of the aircraft reporting custodian. For subcustody SE or SE in the custody of another department that requires repair by the IMA, the JCN is assigned by the IMA production control reflecting the IMA organization code.
BLOCK A19 - WORK CENTER. Enter the code of the work center performing the maintenance action described on the VIDS/MAF.
UP OR DOWN BLOCK. If the discrepancy disables the aircraft or equipment, the down arrow is circled. If the discrepancy does not make the aircraft or equipment totally inoperable, the up arrow is circled.
MODEX. For local use. Usually the side number of the aircraft.
PRI. Used by intermediate maintenance to assign work load priorities.
TURN-IN DOCUMENT BLOCK. The Julian date and requisition document number on which the specific item was ordered from the failed/ required material blocks (blocks 45 and 49) to assist in local supply control.
SYSTEM/REASON BLOCK. Intended for use with NALCOMIS.
Figures 4-3, 4-4, 4-5, and 4-6 show you how the VIDS/MAF is used and how it flows within organizational and intermediate maintenance activities. Enhanced Comprehensive Asset Management System (ECAMS) will be discussed later in this chapter.
NOTE: You should compare figures 4-3 through 4-6 to see the differences in the VIDS/ MAF flow in the two levels of maintenance. After processing of the VIDS/MAF has been completed, maintenance control personnel should file copy 1 of the VIDS/MAF and retain it for a minimum of 6 months from the completion date of the maintenance action. Historical files are discussed in more detail later in this chapter.
The ECAMS is a newly developed automated system used to process selected nontactical flight data in support of the reliability centered maintenance concept. Nontactical data is recorded on a data storage unit on-board the aircraft to capture engine excesses, engine performance data, and life-limited component usage data.
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