XRAY must be submitted. The corrective XRAY contains two actions. The first action is reported identical to the previously submitted incorrect XRAY with the exception that DELETE is entered in item Q.
In the same message another XRAY action correctly reporting the transaction is entered. This action should include the word CORRECT in item Q. All corrective XRAY messages will info CNO, Washington, DC, as an additional info addressee.
3. XRAYs with errors in the subject line and/or the remarks section will be corrected by submitting a one-line message stating the correction necessary.
When preparing any XRAY report, you should always refer to the current edition of OPNAV Instruction 5442.2 and the controlling custodian's instructions.
Each reporting custodian (including detachments) of the operating command is required to prepare the aircraft accounting audit report (fig. 6-28) four times each year. The purpose of the report is to provide for automatic audit and correction of the controlling custodian and the CNO data banks. The report will be manually prepared by each reporting custodian from "A" cards. In the event of late submission, correction of data previously submitted, or nonavailability of forms (OPNAV 5442/21), the audit report may be submitted in message format as described below. Deployed units will always submit audit reports by message format. The information found in the data elements of this paragraph is the same as the information required in columns C through M when the aircraft accounting audit report is sent by message.
Figure 6-28. - Aircraft Accounting Audit Report.
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