ENTRIES REQUIRED SIGNATURE. Check the appropriate box and enter the signature and rate.
BLOCK A29 - ACTION ORGANIZATION. Enter the three-character organization code that identifies the reporting custodian making the transaction.
BLOCK A32 - TRANSACTION CODE. Enter the two-character transaction code that describes the gain. Enter 00 for all aircraft gains.
BLOCK A48 - TYPE EQUIPMENT CODE (TEC). Enter the four-character TEC that identifies the aircraft gained.
BLOCK A52 - BUREAU/SERIAL NUMBER. Enter the bureau/serial number of the aircraft being gained. If the number has less than six characters, prefix it with sufficient zeros to total six characters.
BLOCK F21 - INVENTORY CODE. Enter the one-character code that describes the MCRS of the aircraft at the time it is gained. (Refer to table 4-1 for inventory codes and applicable status.)
BLOCK F22 - PERMANENT UNIT CODE (PUC). Enter the six-character PUC that identifies the unit reporting the aircraft gain.
BLOCK B30 - COMPLETED DATE. Enter the Julian date of the transaction.
BLOCK B34 - COMPLETED TIME. Enter the hour and minute of actual receipt of the aircraft. For purposes of SCIR inventory reporting, aircraft are reported gained by date and time.
DISCREPANCY. Enter the narrative description of the gain.
SUPERVISOR. Enter the appropriate signature and rate.
The reporting of a loss (transfer or strike) is similar to that of a gain. Figure 4-19 shows a VIDS/MAF used to report an aircraft loss from unit custody. Refer to this figure as you read this section. Completion of the VIDS/MAF for this type of report is discussed in the following paragraphs.
ENTRIES REQUIRED SIGNATURE. Check the appropriate box and enter the signature and rate.
BLOCK A29 - ACTION ORGANIZATION, Enter the three-character code that identifies the reporting custodian reporting the loss.
BLOCK A32 - TRANSACTION CODE. Enter the two-character code that describes the aircraft loss—enter 03.
BLOCK A48 - TYPE EQUIPMENT CODE (TEC). Enter the four-character TEC that identifies the aircraft being lost. TECs are listed in an appendix to the latest edition of OPNAVINST 4790.2 and in the TEC Master List, NAMSO 4790.A7210-01.
BLOCK A52 - BUREAU/SERIAL NUMBER. Enter the bureau/serial number of the aircraft being lost. If the number has less than six characters, prefix the entry with sufficient zeros to total six characters.
BLOCK F21 - INVENTORY CODE. Enter the one-character code that is assigned to the aircraft at the time of the loss. (Refer to table 4-1 for inventory codes and applicable status.)
BLOCK F22 - PERMANENT UNIT CODE (PUC). Enter the six-character PUC that identifies the unit reporting the aircraft loss.
BLOCK B30 - COMPLETED DATE. Enter the Julian date of action recorded on the OPNAV XRAY report that was originated by the receiving activity (if striken, enter the Julian date of action from the OPNAV XRAY reporting the strike). Losses occur for SCIR reporting purposes on the same day and time as does the gain by the receiving unit.
BLOCK B34 - COMPLETED TIME. Enter the hour and minute of actual loss of the aircraft.
DISCREPANCY. Enter the narrative description of the loss.
SUPERVISOR. Enter the appropriate signature and rate.
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