If an automated data processing (ADP) system is available, publication information can be recorded by digital means instead of using NWPL cards. If this system is used, all information required on the NWPL must be produced in the ADP file, and adequate publication control must be maintained. Classified information is not entered into the ADP system. The use of an automated data processing system must be approved in writing by the appropriate type commander (TYCOM).
The technical publications library files should include a NWPL catalog card record file, a change entry" certification file, a transaction file, and a requisition file. These files are discussed in the following paragraphs.
The NWPL catalog card record file consists of NWPL (OPNAV Form 5070/11) cards for NAVAIR manuals filed in alphanumeric order by NAVAIR publication number. NWPL catalogs cards are maintained for each publication retained by the library, except bulletins and changes. When publications have been removed from the library, NWPL cards will be placed in a dead file.
The 2-day tickler file consists of Change Entry Certification Records (CECRs) (OPNAV Form 5070/ 12, Part 1) for rapid action changes (RACs), Type I and Type II, and the 5-day CECR file is for routine changes and revisions to publications. The file should be reviewed daily to ensure timely incorporation of changes. It is recommended that CECRs, Part 1, be filed sequentially by due date to make a daily review of outstanding changes easier. You should remove the CECR, Part 1, from this file and discard it upon receipt of the completed CECR, Part 2, indicating entry of RAC/change to the appropriate publication. The CECR, Part 2, is filed in the change entry certification file pending the next subsequent audit of the applicable central and/or dispersed library. Applicable completed CECRs may be discarded upon satisfactory completion of the appropriate central and/or dispersed libraries audit.
The material maintained in the transaction file reflects the current status of the TPL. The transaction files consists of the following:
Up-to-date instructions for the operation of the TPL.
The latest copy of the Activity Requirements Listing (ARL) reflecting the most recent distribution requirements table (NAVAIR 00-25DRT-1).
The latest audit/inventory summaries for central and dispersed libraries.
All correspondence pertinent to the TPL.
A requisition log and file consisting of a log identifying all pertinent information on items requisitioned.
A file of requisition documents and a file or record of current status card information. The transaction file should be reviewed periodically to delete correspondence that has been completed or satisfactorily resolved.
A copy of requisitioning documents (for example, DD Form 1348, NAVSUP 1205, etc.) is maintained until receipt of the ordered publications. Additionally, the file should be reviewed periodically to verify requirements for outstanding requisitions over 45 days old.
One of the most tedious and important functions of library personnel is the incorporation of change pages into the existing manuals. In NAVAIR manuals, the "A" page lists the pages altered in the latest and previous change(s). Upon receipt of a change document, each page in the existing manual that corresponds to a page in the change document is removed, and the change page is inserted in its place. The
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