Chapter Objective: Upon completion of this chapter, you should have the knowledge to recognize the important roles that maintenance and production control play in an organization. You should be able to explain the purpose of the visual information display system (VIDs) and recognize the purpose of the Naval Flight Record Subsystem (NAVFLIRS). You should be able to describe the procedures for maintaining an aircraft discrepancy book (ADB), recognize the importance of the planned maintenance system (PMs), recognize the purpose of subsystem capability impact reporting (SCIR), and describe the procedures for maintaining an equipment master roster (E-00). You will be able to explain the importance of technical directive incorporation, recognize the purpose of the Navy Oil Analysis Program (NOAP), and describe the various files maintained by maintenance/production control. You will also be able to recognize the purpose and contents of the monthly maintenance plan.
The maintenance control or production control office is the focal point of all the aircraft and aeronautical equipment maintenance actions within a given activity. Maintenance control and production control are basically the same; maintenance control functions at the organizational-maintenance level, and production control functions at the intermediate-maintenance level. Maintenance and production control provide the coordination and control required in an effective maintenance department where several shops with various skills are all working toward a common goal - keeping aircraft flyable.
Maintenance control schedules and plans the work of the production divisions. Maintenance control plans and assigns priorities and completion times. Progress checks are performed on work in process, and a visual information display system (VIDS) board is maintained that continuously reflects the status of the aircraft, or the status of work on components. Maintenance instructions are prepared and issued, and the necessary control is provided to ensure compliance by the cognizant production divisions. Various logs and records are maintained as well as files of completed source documents.
The primary purpose of data collection and reporting systems is to ensure that the basic data generated by maintenance and/or material personnel is documented, and that the system provides information to all who need it. The Maintenance Data System (MDS) was developed as an integral part of the Naval Aviation Maintenance and Material Management (AV-3M) System, and it provides input to the Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP). This system furnishes data products that are used to efficiently and economically manage maintenance organizations.
The Aviation 3-M (AV-3M) System is sponsored by the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) and administered through the operating chain of command. Technical support is provided by the Navy Management Systems Support Office (NAVMASSO) and the Commander, Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIRSYSCOM).
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