submitted) followed by the correct line entry as indicated in the following example:
The completed report should be mailed not later than 1600 on the third working day following the date of report. Normally, reporting custodians of LANT, PAC), CNAVRES, CNATRA, NASC T&E, and STF forward the original and the copy of this report to the appropriate controlling custodian and one copy to the cognizant wing. Marine units submit an information copy to CG FMF and the appropriate MARAIRGRU. Units deployed to or stationed in the Western Pacific or Mediterranean will always submit the audit report by message format. Units of other controlling custodians under operational control (OPCON) of LANT or PAC submit the report to their appropriate controlling custodian with an information copy to the operational TYCOM. Letters of transmittal are not required. Do not mail audit reports and end of quarter engine reports together.
Q1. When an aircraft is accepted, who initiates the aircraft logbook?
Q2. If an aircraft is involved in an accident resulting in death, what happens to the aircraft logbook/records?
Q3. Who is authorized to sign aircraft logbooks/records?
Q4. IS the aircraft discrepancy book (ADB) a source of information that can be used when reconstructing aircraft logbooks?
Q5. What form in the aircraft logbook is used to compile significant flight operational data throughout the service life of the aircraft?
Q6. What types of inspections are documented on the Inspection Record in the aircraft logbook?
Q7. Who is authorized to use block entries on the Technical Directives Form in the aircraft logbook?
Q8. What section in the aircraft logbook is used by operating activities to record significant information affecting the aircraft for which no other space is provided?
Q9. When installed explosive safety devices are granted extensions, how is the expiration date updated on the Installed Explosive Safety Devices page in the aircraft logbook?
Q10. What copy of the parachute record is filed in the aircraft logbook?
Q11. What activity is the central repository for scheduled removal component (SRC) cards?
Q12. What card provides a method of monitoring specific maintenance data on maintenance engineering cognizant field activity (MECFA) designated components?
Q13. What record is used to establish a formal continuous chain of accounting for specific material and equipment installed on any aircraft of a specific type, model, and series (T/M/S)?
Q14. What class of aircraft requires basic weight and moment documentation and loading control to ensure that loading arrangements do not exceed the permissible weight, structural, and/or center of gravity limits?
Q15. What chart shows a continuous history of basic weight, moment, and index resulting from structural and equipment changes in service?
Q16. What form is the summary of the actual disposition of the load in the aircraft?
Q17. What instruction contains procedures for the Aircraft Inventory Reporting System (AIRS)?
Q18. The aircraft record "A" card is retained by the unit for how many months following the date of strike or transfer of an aircraft?
Q19. What does the OPNAV XRAY status code G30 indicate?
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