manuals by inserting the message or printed copy directly behind the title page,
Interim RACs applicable to microfilm manuals are maintained with the applicable microfilm cartridge. The RAC number(s) is/are annotated on the cartridge side label. Upon receipt of the updated cartridge, you should review each outstanding RAC to make sure that data incorporated into the applicable manual is accurate before disposal of the message or paper copy interim RAC.
Formal RACs are to be collated into the applicable printed manuals when received.
The revision of a manual requires an evaluation of technical manual condition, both physical and technical, and the release of a complete new edition of the manual. These revisions are prepared and distributed on a nonscheduled, as required basis. All manuals are reviewed periodically (at least once a year) to determine requirements for reissue. Revisions direct the supersedure and disposal of the revised document.
Manuals that are furnished on microfilm in a MIARS cartridge are updated (either by change page or revisions) by the issue of an updated cartridge that supersedes the previous issue of the cartridge. The table of contents reflects the date of the latest revision and/or change to the technical manuals in the cartridge.
The flight manual is the official technical manual for issuing the operating instructions for a particular model of aircraft. Updating flight manuals is accomplished through revisions, changes, or rapid action changes.
In this instance, a revision is a second or subsequent edition of a flight manual that supersedes the preceding edition. When received in the activity, all preceding editions become obsolete and should be disposed of.
A change is the term applied to the periodic changes issued by the aircraft manufacturer to incorporate information and instructions as required. Changes usually require page-for-page replacement and, in cases of additional information, the addition of supplementary pages.
Interim and/or rapid action changes are issued in a manner previously discussed. When urgency demands, the naval message RAC is issued to major commands such as Commander, Naval Air Force, Pacific Fleet (COMNAVAIRPAC); Commander, Naval Air Force, Atlantic Fleet (COMNAVAIRLANT); etc. Message interim changes are incorporated into the flight manual by changes, or they may be replaced by regular interim changes.
Routine changes are prepared by the NAVAIRSYSCOM and distributed to each custodian of the flight manual. RACs are placed in the front of the flight manual by the holder until the contractor incorporates the information into the flight manual. A flyleaf is provided in each flight manual indicating the status of each RAC.
Safety of flight supplements are issued by the Air Force for flight manuals for all aircraft procured by the Air Force. Safety of flight supplements are similar to and serve the same purpose as interim changes. They are distributed to the holders of flight manuals procured by the Air Force and jointly used by the Navy.
As an AZ striker or AZ3 newly assigned to duties in a technical library, you are probably impressed by the seemingly large amount of technical data received for the library. Nearly every mail call brings several packages or envelopes of publications that must be incorporated into the library files. Automatic distribution accounts for the bulk of the day-to-day publication receipts. The purpose of this section is to provide you with background information relating to the source of aeronautic technical data so you will be better equipped to perform technical library duties.
Commanding officers of newly commissioned or reactivated activities are responsible for requesting initial outfitting of general and specific technical manuals. This is accomplished by submitting a letter to the Naval Air Technical Services Facility (NAVAIRTECHSERVFAC). The letter includes the type of manuals being requested; for example, general publications and/or specific publications for a particular aircraft, missile, engine, etc. Figure 3-5 show's a typical initial outfitting letter.
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