are outlined in table 4-3. You should locate the applicable sections and item blocks on DD 2026 as you read the instructions contained in table 4-3.
As in other areas of naval aviation, the area of support equipment (SE) has been the subject of much concern and attention by higher echelons of naval management. Today's modern weapon systems require SE to maintain them in an operationally ready condition. Also, practically all jet aircraft require SE to furnish an external power and air source for starting. Without SE, the aircraft would be of little value as an offensive or defensive weapon. Recently, the trend has been to standardize the procurement, allocation, issuance, maintenance, and usage of required SE. This trend has resulted in a tighter control of SE and, at the same time, improving its use.
If all of the support equipment programs presently in use by the Navy were presented here, a complete book would be needed to explain them. To keep the discussion to a minimum, emphasis is placed on SE inventory data reporting and on maintenance and custody records. These are the types of duties with which you, the AZ, will be involved.
Generally, support equipment (SE) is maintained and repaired locally by the using and supporting activities. The depth of maintenance performed on SE does not correspond to the depth of maintenance performed on aircraft. At
Table 4-3.-Instructions for Filling Out Oil Analysis Request, DD Form 2026
Proper completion of the Oil Analysis Request by the submitting activity is a vital step in the evaluation process on which maintenance actions are based. When forms are incomplete or erroneously filled out, all other efforts to produce a valid evaluation are degraded or impossible. An example of a DD Form 2026 is provided by figure 4-38 and instructions for its completion are as follows:
1. TO: (Oil Analysis Lab) . Enter the designated JOAP laboratory which will perform the sample analysis, e.g., Ft Campbell KY, Columbus AFB MS, NARF Jacksonville, FL, etc.
2. FROM:
a. Major Command. Enter possessing Major Command, foreign government or contractors, e.g., TAC, AVSCOM, COMNAVAIRLANT, Korean, General Dynamics.
b. Operating Activity. Enter identification of operating activity submitting sample, e.g., 432BW, 377 Med Co A., VT-95 and name of base as applicable. Transient aircraft will enter name of home base regardless of location where sample is taken whenever sample is to be returned to assigned laboratory. Whenever transient aircraft sample is taken away from home base, and is to be submitted to other than assigned JOAP laboratory for analysis, the word Transient will be entered in parenthesis after name of home base. Aircraft on rotational assignment will reflect name of rotational base and will not be considered transient.
3. EQUIPMENT MODEL/APL. Enter type, model and series of engines being sampled, e.g., J57-21, J85-5, GTCP85-106, AVDS 1790. Accessory equipment being sampled will be identified by nomenclature such as CSD Main Gearbox, Fwd Trans, Hyd Sys #1, etc.
4. EQUIPMENT SERIAL NO. Enter complete serial number of equipment being sampled, e.g., F161932, 051970, KS109, etc.
5. END ITEM MODEL/HULL NO . Enter mission, design and series of end item which contains system being sampled, e.g., F100D, M32A-60, A4A, M-60, etc.
6. END ITEM SER NO/EIC. Enter the complete end item serial number.
7. DATE SAMPLE TAKEN (Day, Mo, Yr). Enter the date in numerics - day, month, and year on which the sample was taken or on which maintenance feedback data is submitted, e.g., 06/12/6 for 6 Dec 1986.
8. LOCAL TIME SAMPLE TAKEN . Enter local time sample was taken using 24-hour clock, e.g., 0700, 1600, 2200, etc.
9. HOUR/MILES SINCE OVERHAUL. Enter the total hours/miles since overhaul or new of systems being sampled to the nearest whole hour/mile.
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