Table 4-3.-Instructions for Filling Out Oil Analysis Request, DD Form 2026 - Continued
10. HOURS/MILES SINCE OIL CHANGE. Enter hours/miles since oil change on system being sampled to the nearest whole hour/mile.
NOTE: Accurate data on Hours/Miles Since Overhaul and Hours/Miles Since Oil Change are extremely important for correct evaluation of the analysis results. Every effort possible must be made to ensure that these data are correct.
11. REASON FOR SAMPLE. Enter reason for taking sample. Place an "X" in applicable block, if "Other" block is X'ed, specify reason for sample, e.g., Initial Sample, warning light, etc.
12. OIL ADDED SINCE LAST SAMPLE. As directed by applicable weapons systems T.O./T.M. or higher command, enter quantity of oil added since last sample and specify measurement to nearest whole number in pints, quarts or gallons.
13. ACTION TAKEN. Enter corrective maintenance accomplished to remedy a known or suspected discrepancy, e.g., equipment checked - no repair required, removed and replaced, etc.
NOTE: Action Taken, Discrepant Item, How Malfunction and How Found blocks will be completed only whenever maintenance actions/failures are reported which are related to oil lubricated systems.
14. DISCREPANT ITEM. Enter nomenclature of major component and subassembly which has malfunctioned, e.g., Engine-No. 2 Bearing, Gearbox-accessory drive bearing, etc., or system which is examined for discrepancy, e.g., basic engine, CSD, Gearbox, etc. Only one major discrepancy will be reported per failure, e.g., an engine which has several discrepancies such as No. 1 bearing failure, No. 2 bearing scored and loose tab washer, will be reported as Engine-No. 1 bearing failure, which in this case is the most severe discrepancy, No. 2 bearing scored and loose tab washer may be reported as additional discrepancies in Remarks block.
15. HOW MALFUNCTIONED. Enter description of defect related to item identified in Discrepant Item block, e.g., worn beyond limits, no defects, defects unknown, etc. The suspected cause of the discrepancy may be reflected in Remarks block.
16. HOW FOUND. Enter an "X" in the appropriate block indicating how the necessity for maintenance action was determined. If other, specify.
17. HOW TAKEN. Check the appropriate block. (Applies to Army and Navy only.) 18. REMARKS. On initial samples note any changes in equipment status and provide the JOAP laboratory with the following information:
a. Engine position (when applicable).
b. System oil capacity.
c. Oil change interval.
d. Sampling interval.
NOTE: All entries ("TO" through "REMARKS") must be completely filled out as specified. KEYPUNCH CODES must be entered where required.
19. SAMPLE NO. A sample identification number maybe assigned by the activity NOAP monitor to facilitate follow-up action if required. The first digit of the sample number will be a monthly designator identified as follows:
1 - Jan | 4 - Apr | 7 - Ju1 | O - Oct |
2 - Feb | 5 - May | 8 - Aug | N - Nov |
3 - Mar | 6 - Jun | 9 - Sep | D - Dec |
a. The monthly reporting period will be the first through the last day of each month. The second part of the sample number will be composed of four numerical digits and will follow the monthly designator. Sequence numbers will be assigned in ascending order, e.g., 234th sample submitted in Feb will be reflected as sample number 2-0234.
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