the organizational level, the only maintenance performed on SE is servicing and preoperational inspections. All functions relating to minor adjustments, removal and replacement of minor parts, periodic inspections, and removal and replacement of components are performed at the intermediate level. The IMAs have intermediate maintenance responsibility for all SE that is checked out on a subcustody basis.
Sets of maintenance requirements cards (MRCs) have been developed for each major type of SE to make inspections and repairs easier. These card sets are continually being refined and updated because of SE maintenance experience. By following the sequence found in the card sets, the minimum inspection requirements of the equipment are satisfied. MRCs specify the requirements for preoperational inspections performed by the supporting ship or station aircraft intermediate maintenance department.
An accurate maintenance history and custody/ subcustody record on each unit of SE for which MRCs are provided requires the maintenance of a number of maintenance and custody records. These records are discussed below.
The SE Preoperational Record (OPNAV 4790/52) (fig. 4-42) is maintained on the VIDS board, cardex, or filing container held by the work center responsible for performing preoperational inspections. The activity having the physical custody of the SE is responsible for making the required entries. Entries are made to reflect all preoperational inspections performed. This form is also used when issuing or receiving SE on a subcustody basis. A new card is issued by the reporting custodian when the card in use has been filled. The completed forms are filed for 1 month.
The SE Custody and Maintenance History Record, OPNAV 4790/51 (fig. 4-43), is used to
Figure 4-42.-SE Preoperational Record, OPNAV 4790/52.
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