training, jettisoned, abandoned, cannibalized, or the planned expenditures of drones.
Category 4 - completed service life. An aircraft is stricken in category 4 if its eligibility for strike is due to completion of its service life. Completion of service life is determined by the Naval Air Systems Command and is based on analysis of the material condition of the aircraft and current OPNAV directives.
An aircraft is always stricken in the lowest numbered category when more than one category is applicable. For example, an aircraft eligible for strike by reason of completed service life should be stricken in category 4 unless strike damage is also involved, in which case the aircraft should be stricken in category 1.
Two types of damage may occur to an aircraft: substantial damage - standard rework required (requires one of the standard rework processes to restore the aircraft to service), and other damage (standard rework not required to restore the aircraft to service).
Category 5 of strike and damage codes (1 through 4 apply to strikes only) pertains to aircraft that have received one of the types of damage described above.
The first character of a strike/damage code is the number denoting damage or one of the four categories of strike. The second character indicates the employment or use of the aircraft; the third character denotes cause or condition; and the fourth character indicates the disposition of the aircraft. The strike code 1AA2 indicates an aircraft stricken in category 1 due to damage, that the accident happened on a unit training flight, was incident to flight, and the wreckage was inaccessible.
Item K - acceptance date. This item is used to report the acceptance date of new or reinstated aircraft. For new aircraft, the date the Navy accepted custody from the contractor is entered. In the case of reinstatement of a previously stricken Navy aircraft, the original acceptance date (when it was new) is reported. This item has little application to an operating activity as most aircraft are first accepted by Naval Air Systems Command activities.
Item L - ASPA inspection report codes. The current edition of OPNAVINST 5442.2 does not reflect item L as an ASPA reporting item. Information concerning ASPA reporting requirements has been released in message form by controlling custodians in the form of aviation maintenance grams; for example, COMNAV- AIRLANT AVIATION MAINT GRAM 3-86. Activities requiring more information on ASPA reporting requirements should contact their appropriate wing to ensure they have received the latest information concerning ASPA reporting.
Item M - operating service months accumulated at PED. Each XRAY must include a three- digit numeric entry in item M. For aircraft undergoing a standard service life, this number will represent the total accumulation of OPSERV- MOS as of the end month and year reported in item H (PED). If item H represents a future date, as in the case of an aircraft currently serving in an operating period, the OPSERVMOS reported in item M represents the expected accumulation when PED is reached.
The month in which an aircraft begins a period does not count as an operational service month. The calendar month in which an aircraft leaves an operating situation for SDLM or NASC FS custody is counted as an operational service month. Refer to table 6-5 for instructions concerning the initial calculations and subsequent adjustment of OPSERVMOS for aircraft undergoing standard service life and those in process. First delivery will contain entries in item M.
Item N - estimated rework completion date. This item is included on only those XRAY reports that show an aircraft as undergoing a standard or special rework process (status codes D or G), and it is omitted from all other XRAYS. The date reported indicates the estimated completed date of the rework, including check flight. If the most recently reported rework completion date changes by 2 or more days, an XRAY is submitted to report the revised estimate.
Item O - permanent unit code (PUC). This item is required on all inservice XRAYs only. This six-digit entry permits identification, at the CNO level, of the unit having physical custody of the aircraft.
Item P - unit received from/command code. This item is applicable only on XRAYS reporting the receipt (action codes R, F, or G) of aircraft, and it should report the name of the reporting custodian from whom the aircraft was received
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