F and the appropriate two-digit command code of the transferring activity; for example, VP-5/20.
Item Q - DELETE or CORRECT . Transactions involving the correction of previously submitted erroneous XRAY data will contain the words DELETE or CORRECT.
Item R - 3 - M organization code . This item is applicable to change of location XRAYs only. This is the three-character organization code assigned to an activity that identifies that activity for 3-M purposes.
Item S - operational status category code . This single character code is reported under the following circumstances:
Ninety days prior to embarkation of an extended deployment either aboard ship or to another CONUS/ex-CONUS station or facility
Upon embarkation of an extended deployment either aboard ship or to another CONUS/ex-CONUS station or facility
Upon debarkation from an extended deployment
Other change of operational category, as identified in table 6-8
Item T - fleet assigned code . A single- character code used to show that a unit is being or has been physically relocated in conjunction with an operational category change. This code should reflect the ultimate destination of the ship/unit. Table 6-9 contains a list of fleet assigned codes.
Item U - mid - term . This item is used by naval air rework facilities and commercial rework facilities only to report an aircraft entering mid-term special rework. Item U is reported as M1 indicating first mid-term rework and only in the initial inservice XRAY submitted by the rework facility. Subsequent mid-terms are reported as M2, M3, etc., as required.
Item V - reserved for controlling custodian use.
Item W - Z - reserved for future use.
Remarks: Entries are required in the remarks section of all XRAY transactions as instructed by the controlling custodian and/or the local wing.
All IN-SERVICE XRAY transactions will contain the word INSERV.
XRAYs reporting the receipt of an aircraft loaned from a non-naval activity will include the
Table 6-8. - Operational Status Category Codes