The NAVSUP 2002, Navy Stock List of Publications and Forms, is considered part of the NAPI. It is actually the bible and index for requisitioning all Navy publications, forms, and TDs under the cognizance of the Naval Publications and Forms Center (NPFC). The index is divided into three main parts (sections), based on type of material. Section 1 lists all naval forms; section 2, all naval publications; and section 3, all naval technical directives.
The introduction to the index contains specific instructions on how to use the index, requisitioning instructions, prefixes and codes used to identify various types of publications, and standard abbreviations. The index listings contain pertinent information such as titles/nomenclature, ordering stock number, material control code, quantity restrictions, security classification, unit price, applicability information, date of issue of the material, and latest revision date, to highlight a few.
The NAVSUP 2002 is issued on microfiche, and it is updated quarterly in February, May, August, and November. You should ensure that you have the latest microfiche update when using this index as a reference or for requisitioning material.
The NAVAIR 00-500A, Equipment Applicability List, is a cross-reference index of NAV-AIRSYSCOM publications pertaining to aircraft systems, components, and equipments. The purpose of this index is to identify which publications pertain to a particular aircraft system, component, or specific equipment. This index is issued on microfiche and is updated quarterly in November, February, May, and August.
The NAVAIR 00-500C (series), Directives Application List, contains a listing of the published and distributed NAVAIR technical directives as they apply to a particular aircraft. The index is issued in sections, with each section having its own subscript number (for example, NA 00-500C.1, NA 00-500C.2, etc.). Each section covers one specific aircraft and/or engine, and it lists all applicable TDs that pertain to that aircraft or engine.
The custodians for each type and/or model aircraft are automatically supplied with the applicable NA 00-500C for their particular aircraft and engine. The index, printed in book form, is issued (updated) every 6 months in April and November.
The NAVAIR 00-500M, Microfilm Cartridge Cross-reference, index provides information on the contents, application, and status of Maintenance Information Automated Retrieval System (MIARS) microfilm cartridges. MIARS microfilm cartridges contain the technical manuals issued by NAVAIR, which are not printed in book form. This index is produced in microfiche only and consists of parts I, II, and III. Part I is a cross-reference of NAVAIR manuals to microfilm cartridge number. Part II is a listing of microfilm cartridges with the latest date of the cartridge. Part III contains a listing of microfilm cartridges with their applicable technical manuals by aircraft model. This listing is by cartridge number sequence within a particular aircraft series. Only those manuals applicable to the aircraft are listed. The NAVAIR 00-500M is distributed quarterly.
The NAVAIR 00-500SE, Support Equipment Cross-reference, index provides information for identification of support equipment (SE) changes required for the latest configuration of end items of support equipment. This index, which is printed in book form, is divided into two sections. Section 1 lists support equipment changes to model/part number references. Section 2 lists model/part number to support equipment change references. This index is issued annually in December.
The NAVAIR 01-700, Airborne Weapons/ Stores Publication Index, is designed to provide
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