whether or not the TM has a security classification. For classified TMs, the PI suffix is always used, and the security classification indicator forms the first component of the suffix. The security classification indicator is always three characters (a letter enclosed in parentheses). The entire suffix can contain up to 17 characters, if required. To ensure the TMINS is compatible with a standard ADP data field, the suffix is limited to 17 characters.
In figure 3-3, you can see that the PI suffix is not required. Therefore, the TMINS number A1-F18AA-NFM-500 stands for the initial or revised edition of the Pilots Pocket Checklist supplement to the NATOPS manual of an F-18 aircraft. The TMINS number is also used to order this publication.
The problem of security of classified publications in the technical library is generally limited to ways and means of storing, using, accounting for, and disposing of such publications in accordance with existing directives. The basic Navy security directive relating to the safeguarding of classified information is the Information and Personnel Security Program Regulation, OPNAVINST 5510.1. (This instruction is known as the Security Program Regulation.) Its provisions apply to all activities of the Navy. The application of security measures regarding technical library classified publications may be further influenced by locally issued directives that supplement the basic directives.
The technical publications librarian should initiate procedures that ensure positive control of all classified publications for which the library maintains custody. The first problem of custody is storage. Classified material is NOT kept on open shelves accessible to unauthorized personnel. While large libraries sometimes need walk-in safes for classified material, most find that a few locking drawer files are adequate. The Security Program Regulation discusses storage containers of varying degrees of integrity. Also provided in the regulation are specific requirements for safeguarding combinations and keys for locks, as these affect the protective capabilities of the different types of containers. Classified publications that are no longer required in the library should be disposed of by approved methods.
The security classification of each classified technical manual is indicated in the physical security (PS) column of the NAVSUP 2002 stock number list. Unclassified manual titles are carried on the nomenclature and form/pub/hull and stock number sections of the NAVSUP 2002 microfiche cards. When the title of the manual is classified, nomenclature is omitted and the word classified is substituted for the actual title. Classifications assigned are (1) C or 1 - Confidential, (2) B or 2 - Confidential-Restricted Data, (3) S or 4 - Secret, and (4) J - Pilferable.
All aeronautic publications, changes, technical directives (TDs), and forms under the cognizance of NAVAIRSYSCOM and distributed by NATSF are cataloged in an index, which is titled the Naval Aeronautic Publications Index (NAPI). The NAPI presently consists of nine sections or parts to make locating and ordering specific publications easier. Each section (part) contains its own introduction as to the purpose or function of the section and the specific instructions on how to use that particular index. The six sections that presently make up the complete NAPI are as follows:
1. NAVSUP 2002, Navy Stock List of Publications and Forms
2. NAVAIR 00-500A, Equipment Applicability List
3. NAVAIR 00-500C, Directives Application List
4. NAVAIR 00-500M, Microfilm Cartridge Cross-Reference
5. NAVAIR 00-500SE, Support Equipment Cross-Reference
6. NAVAIR 01-700, Airborne Weapons/ Stores, Publication Index
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