Block entries are used only for a series of consecutively numbered directives having the same status code. This enables subsequent custodians to determine the configuration of the aircraft without being required to screen the entire file of directives for applicability. The procedures used when block entries are made are as follows:
Original accepting activities and NAV-AVNDEPOTS use block entries, when possible, to record the incorporation (INC) of technical directives. In this case, all information except priority and title/remarks is entered. The date is considered to be the date of acceptance or the date of rework completion.
When a change is incorporated during production and a TD is to be issued, the assigned TD number is entered as INC and the notation "Production Equivalents" is entered for a block of incorporated changes in the Title/Remarks column with the applicable TD numbers of such changes. For example, an entry may be 138-147 INC. If production equivalent changes are included within this block, the Title/Remarks column might contain the notation "139, 140, 143 Production Equivalents." These changes often differ physically from the changes issued to operating activities; therefore, this notation is used to avoid confusion. It is important to remember that Production Equivalent airframe changes and bulletins will NOT be listed on TDSA list Nos. 02 or 04, Therefore, the TD page with Production Equivalent becomes a historical record.
When a series of incorporated directives is entered in block form, the next line is used for listing subsequently issued, not-incorporated revisions to directives included within the entry. The notation "Revisions to above block entry" appears on this line and the listing of revisions follows. Operating activities also use this line for the listing of revisions that are subsequently issued to directives within the block entry. The actual records of status and compliance are entered on the page designated for revisions.
NINC directives are recorded by these activities by separate entries identical to those made by operating activities. When possible, block entries are used to record NA directives, in which case only the TD identification, activity, and signature are required. When a new version of the same model aircraft is produced, the original accepting activity accounts for changes to the original model by an entry such as 1-105 NA, and the notation "Previous models only" inserted in the Title/Remarks column. This entry ensures that all TDs in the model series are accounted for, and cites, by number, those TDs that do not apply to the new version and for which no action is required by operating activities. The entry does not mean that the modifications required by the TDs listed within the block entry were not included in the production models of the new version, only that they do not apply to the new version.
Separate entries are used to record NIS directives. Enter the TD identification and status code only. When possible, block entries are used to record canceled (C) directives, in which case only the activity and a signature are required.
Some TDs consist of several parts. Logbook accounting of this type of directive presents special problems when the separate parts are assigned different priorities and are to be accomplished at different times. When this happens, you should use the following procedures:
If all parts of the TD are to be accomplished by the same activity and at the same time, a regular single-line log entry for each part is used. The priority appearing in the log entry is the overall category assigned to the TD.
When a TD is composed of several parts to be accomplished at different times, separate consecutive log entries are made for each part, indicating the priority and status of each. A multiple-part TD should never be included in a block entry unless all parts of the TD have been incorporated.
In instances where a single line has been left for a directive that has not been received (NIS status) and a multiple-part TD is subsequently received, part 1 is entered and accounted for on the applicable TD page. This entry should also contain reference to the remaining parts of the TD, which are to be recorded on the applicable TD revisions page.Continue Reading