the aircraft BUNO. A separate sheet is required for each type of directive; therefore, when initiating a new sheet, it is advisable to enter the same basic information on both sides of the sheet at this time. This procedure ensures that someone will not use the reverse side of the sheet for another type of directive at a later date.
TECHNICAL DIRECTIVE IDENTIFICATION. You should enter the TD identification data in this block. All TDs are accounted for in numerical sequence. To do this, you might find it necessary to leave spaces for TDs not yet received. The following information is entered in the technical directive identification block:
Enter the kit number that is found on the TD.
Enter one of the following priority codes: I for immediate, U for urgent, R for routine, or K for previously incorporated.
NOTE: Priority code K is used when a modification has been completely incorporated by the contractor in all accepted equipment before the TD is issued.
STATUS. In this block, you should enter the appropriate status code. Only the status codes shown in table 6-1 should be used in the aircraft logbook. The codes in table 6-1 are not to be confused with codes used to annotate list No. 02.
TITLE/REMARKS. You should enter the title of the TD in this block. It does not have to be the complete subject of the TD.
COMPLIANCE. In this block, you should enter the short title of the activity complying with the TD and the date of compliance.
SIGNATURE. A person having aircraft logbook signature authority signs in this block.
Original accepting activities and naval aviation depots (NAVAVNDEPOTS), including commercial rework activities, use the same technical directives status codes as do operating activities. However, their use varies somewhat, as can be seen in the following discussion.
Only original accepting activities and NAVAVNDEPOTS are authorized to use block entries on the Technical Directives form. The use of this type of entry provides for a consolidated accounting of directives when the aircraft is new and upon completion of each standard rework.
Table 6-1.-Technical Directive Status Codes