2 - Special work. AT THE DEPOT FACILITY. Aircraft or equipment that are en route to, awaiting at, or undergoing special rework (modification, modernization, conversion, or repair) in the physical custody of the depot repair activity.
3 - Special rework at the reporting custodian site. Aircraft undergoing depot special rework consisting of modernization, modification, conversions, or incorporating depot-level technical directives while in the physical custody of the reporting custodian. Aircraft receiving depot repairs while in the custody of the reporting custodian remain in inventory code A.
4 - Other (decision to strike, remove from service, bailment, loan, etc.). Those aircraft or equipment that are affected by reasons other than standard or special work.
Time/cycle prefix code. All entries in blocks E42 through E52 and G38 through G48 of the VIDS/MAF should be preceded by an alphabetic code to indicate the source of information. For example, A indicates aircraft time and is used to report removal and/or installation of equipment not having an hourmeter installed or an Aeronautical Equipment Service Record (AESR), Module Service Record (MSR), Assembly Service Record (ASR), Equipment History Record (EHR), or Scheduled Removal Component (SRC) card maintained. E indicates operating hours or counts for items having an AESR such as engines and propellers. M indicates meter time. All entries in these blocks must be five digits. For example, report 27 hours type-equipment time as A0027 . If the time exceeds 9,999 hours, the last four digits are recorded; for example, 10,231 hours would be recorded as A0231.
Awaiting maintenance (AWM) reason codes. A one-digit numeric code used to indicate the reasons why no maintenance is being performed.
Equipment operational capability (EOC) codes. A three-character alphanumeric code that identifies the degree of degradation to mission capability and the system responsible for the degradation.
Up to this point, source documents have been mentioned several times. This section introduces you to the source documents used in the Maintenance Data System (MDS). As an AZ, you should understand the use of these source documents in order to use the MDS effectively.
Most source documents originate and are completed by the production work centers. However, maintenance control personnel assist in the preparation of some of them. Also, much data entered in the logbooks is extracted from the source documents. Therefore, you must have a knowledge of the data they contain.
Source documents are the forms used to record maintenance data. Since they furnish the input information for the MDS, they must be completed accurately. Collecting and reporting maintenance data is more involved than any of the other subsystems in the MDS.
The VIDS/MAF is used for recording maintenance data. An explanation of the general use of this source document is given in the following section.
NOTE: The VIDS/MAF is also known as the VIDS register, which will be discussed later in this chapter.
The VIDS/MAF (OPNAV Form 4790/60) is used to document maintenance actions and to display those actions on a visual information display (VIDS) board. The VIDS/MAF is used to document on-equipment maintenance actions (maintenance performed on complete end items). It is also used to document the removal and subsequent processing of a repairable component/ item to an IMA. Maintenance actions performed on removed repairable components are considered off-equipment work.
Copies 1, 3, 4, and 5 of the five-part form contain the same information. Copy 2 contains the necessary data for material reporting. Copy 3 is perforated along the fold line to make folding the form easier when it is used as a register and inserted on the maintenance or production control VIDS board, or to permit removal of the top portion of the form. The design of the form permits folding the form to fit the VIDS board, and it serves as the work center register. All copies of the VIDS/MAF are separated by carbon, permitting essential coded information to show on succeeding copies. Each copy contains routing identification in the upper left-hand corner as an aid in copy recognition.
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