Figure 4-38.-SDLM Special Work Request, OPNAV 4790/65 (back).
rework activity. One copy of the form is forwarded to the cognizant functional wing, one to the ACC, and one to the Naval Aviation Depot Operations Center (NADOC). Look at figures 4-37 and 4-38. Notice that blocks A through L and O through R are self-explanatory. These blocks are filled in by the reporting activity. Blocks M and N are filled in by the rework activity.
Special rework items are those items that are normally beyond the capability of the operating activity, such as incorporation of certain changes or modifications, correction of continuing or recurring discrepancies, special painting, and tests that require special equipment. Special rework items requested in Block O are listed in order of priority.
Aircraft maintenance activities receive various technical directives (TDs) concerning changes and modifications to assigned aircraft and equipment. Most of these directives can be scheduled for compliance at the same time as the aircraft calendar/phased inspection. The technical directive compliance is documented on the VIDS/MAF. The TD compliance VIDS/MAF is initiated by maintenance control personnel when the directive is scheduled for compliance or incorporation. Each TD lists the necessary change kits and material required for compliance. The TD also tells where to obtain the kits. Maintenance control must initiate action through the material control work center to procure any kits or material required to incorporate a TD.
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