following additional blocks are completed by maintenance control:
Type equipment code (Block A48)
Type maintenance (Block A58)
Job Control Number (Block A08, A11, A14)
Work center (Block A19)
QA REQD Block (applicable only when a QAR is required)
C/F REQD Block (applicable only when a functional check flight (FCF) is required)
3. After maintenance control completes and/or reviews the required entries, copy 3 of the VIDS/MAF is placed in the appropriate column of the VIDS board. Copy 2 is forwarded to the quality assurance/analysis (QA/A) division. Copies 1 and 5 are sent to the appropriate work center. Copy 4 is placed on the right side of the ADB where it remains as long as the discrepancy remains outstanding, regardless of the flight to which it applies.
4. When the responsible work center has capability, maintenance control places copy 3 in the IN WORK column of the VIDS board. Blocks B19, B23, and B27 are annotated with the date and time work began and the alpha character of the EOC code, if applicable.
5. When the responsible work center does NOT have capability, maintenance control moves copy 3 to the AWM column on the VIDS board. At the end of the AWM status, the register copy is moved to the IN WORK column on the VIDS board.
6. When a discrepancy has been scheduled IN WORK, the register (copy 3 of the VIDS/MAF) remains on the VIDS board under the heading IN WORK until the discrepancy has been completed or it is necessary to go AWP or AWM.
7. When informed that a work center must go AWP on a discrepancy, maintenance control updates the register (copy 3) by using an S in the maintenance and/or supply record with-the Julian date and time reported (blocks B43, B54, and B58). Maintenance control then enters the requisition number, supply priority, and project code in the fail/required material section and moves copy 3 to the AWP column on the VIDS board.
8. When informed of material receipt, maintenance control updates the register copy blocks B65, B66, and B70 (maintenance supply records) with the prefix M, date, and time reported, respectively, to indicate the end of AWP status. The register is moved to the AWM or IN WORK column on the VIDS board.
9. When corrective action has been completed, maintenance control signs off copies 3 and 4 with information obtained from copy 1. Then, maintenance control replaces copy 4 (originally placed in the ADB) with copy 3. Copy 3 is now placed on the left side of the ADB. When copy 3 is removed after 10 flights with later dates, it may be destroyed after verification, provided a completed copy 1 has been processed and placed in the historical file. Copy 1 should be maintained on file for a minimum of 6 months from the completion date of the maintenance action.
At the intermediate level of maintenance, there is only one approved method of operations for the VIDS. This method can be used in either a centralized or a decentralized production control. With either type of use, this method has the following benefits:
It provides a visual display of all components within a production area, indicating the total inventory by system and/or item, location, and status. . It provides a means of more efficiently controlling the flow of components through the repair process.
It provides a current display of component repair status (IN WORK, AWM, AWP) and the number of production personnel available within each work center. The system provides the production control officer/supervisor with the necessary information he/she needs to make the correct decision in maintenance matters.
The procedures listed below should be used to ensure a smooth-running operation and the availability y of maximum information.
1. The AIMD aeronautical material screening unit (AMSU) receives a component accompanied by the VIDS/MAF. The date the component is received is inserted in block B08, and the work
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