Mark the document and all sides of the container
or QDR. Cite the control number provided by the
CFA. When using parcel post, register the shipment.
Attach a copy of the message report to the material.
Prepare the DD Form 1348-1 accordingly. In record
positions 1-3, enter BEI (for EI) or BQD (for QDR).
Enter Condition Code L in record position 71. Enter
other data according to MILSTRIP.
In the Ship To block (block B), enter the shipping
code and address according to the disposition message.
If an item is being sent to a commercial activity, the
shipping code is that of the commercial repair facility.
An item being sent to an organic depot will have the
shipping code of the collocated supporting supply
department (SSD) or designated support point (DSP).
The MRIL contains shipping codes used for EI/QDR
In block D, enter the words investigation material
and the control number. Use block N for security code,
if required. Assign Project code 754 and movement
priority designator 03. Enter Condition code L in block
P and the JCN in block V. Enter the nomenclature and
serial number (if required) in blocks X and Y. Enter the
contract number, project order, or other material data in
blocks AA-CC, and send a copy to ASO (_R Cog). Enter
the words PACKAGING REQUIRED in block EE if
the item requires additional packaging by a transshipping
activity. Enter the UIC and name of the receiving
activity in block 11 if the item is turned over to another
Navy activity for transshipment. Enter the Julian date of
shipment in block 12. Refer to NAVSUPINST 4440.187
for additional policies and procedures for control of
DLR forwarded for investigation.
The DD Form 1348-1 must be stamped with EI
or QDR, in 3-inch letters without obliterating any vital
data element. This will help in receipt and routing of
The activity shipping the item for investigation is
responsible for notifying the receiving activity about the
shipment. When notified by CFA that the EI/QDR
exhibits have not been received, supply will assist in
locating the material.
The supply department must process any EI/QDR
items to be shipped directly to a contractors plant or
released to a contractors representative. Supply will
issue the item on a custody basis, only after receiving
the authority from the MECFA. Ship DLR exhibits
destined to a commercial contractors depot via ATAC
hubs for processing.
In NALCOMIS activities, SSU uses conversation
codes N618 and N667 as primary conversation codes in
the computer. The SSU uses conversation codes N659,
N660, N668, N675, N677, and N679 as supporting
conversations. The DCU will process components
returned from the IMA on conversation code N621.
When using conversation code N621, the computer will
record the disposition of the component and produce the
hardcopy notice to accompany the component. Also,
this conversation code will produce a DD Form 1348-1
issue document for RFI components being issued to the
original requestor. It also produces a DD 1348-1
shipping documents for components with confirmed
BCM action. Conversation code N621 will generate a
stow notice if the RFI item is for stock. Refer to the
NALCOMIS User's Manual for more details on SSU
responsible for receiving, storing, and controlling all
AWP components returned from the IMA. This unit
should be located next to IMA production control.
The following is a partial list of AWP respon-
sibilities. (Refer to OPNAVINST 4790.2 for more
l Establishing holding and staging areas.
. Requisitioning piece parts and maintaining
requisition files, registers, and records necessary to
monitor, follow-up, expedite, reconcile, and report
material demands for component repair.
. Maintaining liaison with the SRS on mainte-
nance material matters to guarantee delivery of material
required for component repair.
. Receiving incoming material, identifying it to the
failed component, and when all required material is
received, reinducting the component.
. Continually reviewing and following up on
off-station requisitions to fill AWP requirements.
. Establishing procedures to make sure unsatis-
factory LRCA AWP situations are made known to
higher authority for assistance.
. Making recommendations for controlled canni-
balization of AWP components after joint review and
determination between the AWP unit representative and
the IMA production control.
l Establishing procedures to BCM components to
the next level of repair when appropriate. The AWP
management personnel must be responsive to aircraft