Table 8-2.-Frequency of Submission, OPTAR Report
The OPTAR Document Transmittal Report (NAVCOMPT Form 2156) will be prepared and submitted as follows:
Current Fiscal Year OPTAR
a. Nonautomated OPTAR holders on the 15th and last day of the month.
b. SNAP II OPTAR holders on the 15th and last day of the month.
c. SUADPS OPTAR holders on the last day of the month.
Last Fiscal Year OPTAR (prior 1 year)
On the last day of the month, but only if holding file 1 or 2 contains
document(s) for DAO.
Fiscal Year before last (prior 2 years)
On the last day of the month, but only if holding file 1 or 2 contains
document(s) for DAO.
DAO. Table 8-2 provides the frequency for preparation
a copy of the BOR to the appropriate type commander.
and submission of the OPTAR Document Transmittal
When a message report is submitted, the Budget/
Report (NAVCOMPT Form 2156).
OPTAR Report will not be submitted. The requisition/
OPTAR log is a principal source of data needed to
circumstances, activities submit the Budget/OPTAR
prepare the BOR for manual OPTAR holders. Prior to
Report (BOR) by message. Activities or units in the
preparation of the BOR, the requisition/OPTAR log will
vicinity of the DAO, or during the periods of message
minimize, are required to submit the report on
be balanced. Refer to paragraph 4107 of NAVSO
NAVCOMPT Form 2157. When prepared, submit the
P-301 3-2 for additional information about the BOR.
BOR to DAO by not later than the first workday of the
Table 8-3 illustrates the frequency for submitting the
month following the month to be reported. Also submit
Table 8-3.-Decision Chart for Submitting BOR
A Budget/OPTAR Report will be prepared and submitted as follows:
Current Fiscal Year OPTAR
Monthly (by the first workday of the month following the month being
reported upon)
Last Fiscal Year OPTAR
(1) For the report months of October, November, December, January,
(prior 1 year)
February, and March:
MONTHLY (by the first work day of the month being reported
(2) For the report months of April, May, June, July, August, and
ONLY for the months in which there is a change in gross
obligations. (see note)
Fiscal Year before the last OPTAR
Only for the months in which there is a change in gross obligations. (see
(prior 2 year)
Note: There is a change in gross obligations when there has been a change in the Estimated Cost Chargeable
portion of the Requisition/OPTAR Log (NAVCOMPT Form 2155), and therefore, also Block 22 of the BOR.