After obtaining proof of receipt from supply, the
transferring activity attaches a copy of DD Form 1149
to the AIR. The transferring activity retains one receipt
copy of DD Form 1149 as their record.
When a ferry pilot is required to effect an aircraft
transfer, it requires two inventories. One inventory by
the transferring activity prior to the ferry pilot and
another by the accepting activity. The ferry pilot does
not participate in the inventory of aircraft. However, the
ferry pilot accepts custody of pilferable and classified
equipment from the transferring activity. The ferry pilot
transfers the custody of these items to the accepting
activity. AIR items not transported on the aircraft are
shipped separately. These items must be marked AIR
Equipment for Aircraft BUNO. Note this shipment in
column E of AIR Equipment List opposite each affected
AIR items not required for mission accomplishment
may be removed from the aircraft and lined out of the
applicable AIR Equipment List. Before doing this, the
activity must have approval from the applicable
ACC/TYCOM and NAVAIR. When approved, the
activity can process the items for turn-in to supply. The
activity enters the name of the removing organization
and turn-in control number in column E of OPNAV
4790/111. In addition, the organization records the
appropriate entry in OPNAV 4790/112. In this situation,
NAVAIR continues to maintain required quantity of
items on MAIR. NAVAIR does this because the same
type of aircraft in other commands requires continued
usage of the equipment.
TRANSFER ON SITE. When transferring
aircraft on site, the transferring and accepting activity
jointly inventory the aircraft. The inventory team
records the quantity of each item on the aircraft at the
time of transfer. The team uses the AIR Equipment List
(OPNAV 4790/111) to record these items. Also, the team
completes the AIR Shortages (OPNAV 4790/112) to
identify shortages of AIR and MESM items that are not
available for transfer. A Certification and Record of
Transfer (OPNAV 4790/104) must be completed at the
time of transfer.
D E L I V E R Y T O D E P O T O R C O N-
TRATOR. An aircraft maybe delivered to a depot
or contractor facility and scheduled for return to the
originating organization, In this case, the originating
organization retains those items not required for rework,
testing, or special projects. The originating activity
should note those removed items on the OPNAV
4790/112. This will relieve the accepting depot or
contractor of accountability requirements. The OPNAV
4790/104 must be certified during the transfer action.
TRACTOR. When transferring aircraft via depot or
contractor, the transferring activity ships only the
minimum of essential AIR items. The transferring
activity notes shortages on OPNAV 4790/112. The
remaining equipment must be shipped to the receiving
activity 30 days prior to the scheduled depot or
contractor completion date. The OPNAV 4790/104 must
be certified during this transfer action.
Prior to transfer, list all missing AIR and
MESM-related items on OPNAV 4790/112. The
transferring activity retains the original copy of OPNAV
4790/112 as a permanent record of transfer. A second
copy remains in the AIR and is delivered to the accepting
activity. Forward a third copy to the ACC/TYCOM of
the transferring activity. In the case of transfer between
ACC/TYCOM, forward the third copy of the form to the
ACC/TYCOM of the accepting activity. A fourth copy
will be forwarded to one of the appropriate commands
listed in the following texts,
Commander, Fleet Air (COMFAIR)
Commanding General, Marine Aircraft Wing
Functional Wing
Commanding General, Marine Brigade
To relate AIR shortages to any specific inventory or
transactions, enter the following information on
OPNAV 4790/112.
. Name of transferring/receiving activity
l Equipment check/certification number
c Date
l Signature of inventorying activitys CO or
representative authorized to sign by direction
You must make every effort to find the items
revealed as missing during inventory. However, transfer
of aircraft will not be delayed pending replacement of
the items. In this case, the transferring activity makes
entries to OPN4V 4790/112. If a missing item was
removed for repair, enter a notation in column D of
OPNAV 4790/112. Take the necessary steps to ensure
the items are forwarded and marked for the proper