Reference Number
The reference numbers (also known as part
numbers) are numbers, other than activity stock
numbers, used to identify an item of production.
Commercial and Government Entity Code
The Commercial And Government Entity (CAGE)
code was formerly known as Federal Supply Code For
Manufacturers FSCM
Item Standardization Code
The Item Standardization Code (ISC) is a single
alpha or numeric character reflecting the
standardization decision of a standardization
organizational entity. The coding structure provides a
means to categorize items as either authorized for
procurement or not authorized for procurement.
Reference Number Variation Code
The Reference Number Variation Code (RNVC) is
a single-character code that is used to explain how a
reference number describes an item.
Reference Number Category Code
The Reference Number Category Code (RNCC)
designates the relationship of a reference number to the
item of supply.
Service/Agency Designator Code
The Service/Agency Designator Code (SADC) is a
single alpha code. It designates the service/agency that
accepted the NSN as a substitute for the NSN assigned
to the original reference number.
Description Availability Code
The Description Availability (DA) code indicates if
description is available or not available. An N in this
column means no description is available. An R
means the item contains limited rights data.
In looking up a reference number, ensure that the
CAGE code matches with the required material. Other
information that helps to identify the material is the item
name and description.
You can get this basic
information from the customer before starting the
research. Search capability of the FED LOG CD-ROM
includes combinations of reference/part number with
CAGE, supplier name, or item name. This option will
help you identify the correct material.
The General Services Administration (GSA)
Federal Supply Catalog lists approximately 20,000 line
items that are stocked in GSA supply distribution
facilities. The items listed in this catalog are assigned
cognizance 9Q. The GSA Federal Supply Catalog
serves as the major merchandising instrument of the
Federal Supply Service (FSS) Stock Program and
consists of a guide and four commodity catalogs.
. The GSA Supply Catalog Guide contains
consolidated alphabetical and NSN indexes to all stock
items. These are items listed in the four commodity
catalogs and other items available through the FSS
program. It provides detailed information concerning
the program and requisitioning procedures.
. The GSA Supply Catalog (Tools) contains
listings of common and special use tools. It includes
alphabetical and numerical indexes and a price list.
l The GSA Supply Catalog (Office Products) lists
a wide variety of items for office use, including paper
supplies, standard and optional forms, and many items
of equipment. It includes alphabetical and numerical
indexes and a price list.
l The GSA Supply Catalog (Industrial Products)
contains descriptive listings of a broad range of items,
such as hardware, paints, adhesives, and cleaning
equipment and supplies. It includes alphabetical and
numerical indexes and a price list.
. The GSA Supply Catalog (Furniture) provides a
single source of information for all furniture items
stocked by the FSS.
Activities desiring these catalogs should submit an
FSS Publication Mailing List Applicatior, GSA Form
457. Before processing requisitions for submission to
GSA, you should refer to the ILs or ML-N for supply
management data.
The Afloat Shopping Guide (ASG) is designed to
assist the fleet in identifying the NSN items that are most
frequently requested by ships. The ASG is a part of the
Naval Logistics Library (NLL) that is distributed in
CD-ROM format.