After ASO has reviewed and consolidated the report, it
is submitted to DLSC for screening for the applicable
NSN. Upon assignment of the NSN, the superseding
NSN is added to the NAC number. The superseded
NAC number is deleted after two subsequent quarters.
The NAC number consists of nine digits. The first
two digits designated with LX is the NICN. The 3rd and
4th letters identify the specific naval activity. The
reporting activity assigns Arabic numbers for the
remaining five digits. Refer to FASOINST 4410.15F
for a list of NAC designators and activities. The
following example is a breakdown of a NAC number:
00001 -
Navy item control number
NAC designator and activity
Locally developed serial number
for non-NSN item
Requisitions for NAC-numbered items can be
submitted directly to the reporting activity (identified by
NAC designator) with an information copy to ASO.
This is done when the requiring activity has verified that
the material is available for issue. For deployed units,
verification of material availability is not required. The
requisition must be in the format described in
FASOINST 4235,36 (series), Part Number Requisition
and Follow-ups. The requisition must include remarks
pertinent to NAC number, date, and person with whom
the material availability was verified.
The part number, also called reference number, is
an identification number assigned to an item by the
manufacture. It is made up of letters, numbers, or
combinations of both. When used with the CAGE code,
it identifies the item. It is used with other technical data
(for example, model, series, and end-use application) to
requisition an item when an NSN is not assigned. Part
number to NSN cross-reference is provided in
FED-LOG, or any computers that contains C-MCRL
Requisitioning procedures for part
number requisition are described in FASOINST
4235.36 (series).
The Commercial And Government Entity (CAGE)
Code replaces the Federal Supply Code for
Manufacturers (FSCM). The CAGE is a five-digit,
numeric code assigned to different types of activities for
identification. The CAGE for vendors who supply an
item but do not manufacture it is identified by an
alphabetic character in the second position; for example,
1B234. Other NATO manufacturers of items used in the
U.S. supply system use CAGE with an alphabetic
character in the first position; for example, K7654. The
Cataloging Handbook H4 provides a list of CAGE codes
and activity names. CAGE is also listed in the database
for FED LOG users.
This chapter presents different sources of
information that is needed in performing technical
research. Material identification does not end with the
assignment of the NSN. Some means of identifying
other particular needs by the stock number must be
provided to the customers. This includes the means of
determining the correct quantities of these items to carry
in stock. Identification of needs maybe determined by
using the lists described in the following paragraphs.
The Management-List Consolidated (ML-C) is a
consolidated, cumulative listing of National Stock
Numbers for all branches of the armed services. Each
NSN is listed one time only. The integrated material
manager and service or agency is listed separately. The
ML-C is a tool used for determining management data
applicable to items used or managed by other military
activities. The ML-C information is included in Navy
or DOD approved CD-ROM technical research
publications. The information provided in the ML-C
screen, when using CD-ROM, is described in the
following text.
Service/Agency Code
The two-character Service/Agency (S/A) code
identifies the service, agency, or activity. The codes are
DA-Army, DF-Air Force, DM-Marine Corps,
DN-Navy, DS-Defense Logistics Agency, GP-Coast
Guard, TG-General Services Administration.
Source of Supply
The Source of Supply (SOS) column lists the
routing identifier of the managing activity that is a
potential source of supply.