Issue, 7-1
Issue control branch, 7-2
Issues afloat, 7-4
Item depth, 10-2
Item range, 10-2
Job control number, 8-3
Listings, 9-4
AWP status, 9-5
Local deliveries, 7-3
Location audit program, 10-13
Locator systems, 6-4
afloat, 6-6
ashore, 6-4
LOG-EX, 7-24
Low limit, 10-2
Maintenance and Material Management (3-M)
Systems, 8-1
Maintenance Data System (MDS), 7-1
Maintenance support package, 7-12
Management-List Consolidated (ML-C), 3-11
Master Cross-Reference List (MCRL), 3-12
Master Repairable Item list, 3-14
compact disc format, 3-14
Material, 3-1
cognizance, 3-1
cognizance symbols, 3-1
identification, 3-1
inventory manager, 3-1
Material control, 2-2,8-2
responsibilities, 8-2
Material Control code, 3-8
Material custody, 6-1
Material delivery, 5-2,8-10
methods, 5-2
Material Division, 2-1
Material for stock 5-22
document serial number, 5-22
security clearance, 5-24
security code, 5-23
shipment of classified material, 5-24
Material-handling equipment, 6-10
forklift, 6-10
hand trucks, 6-12
hoists, 6-15
pallet sling, 6-15
pallet truck, 6-13
tractor-trailer, 6-11
warehouse tractor, 6-11
warehouse trailer, 6-12
Material inspection and verification, 5-17
Material issues, 7-2
issues afloat, 7-4
issues ashore, 7-2
postposting method, 7-2
preposting method, 7-2
Material obligation validation, 4-19, 8-4
control card, 4-20
MOV age criteria, 4-19
MOV requests, 4-19
processing, 4-20
response, 4-20
schedule, 4-19
Material offload, 7-19
credits, 7-20
distribution of documents, 7-21
documentation, 7-20
excess repairable items, 7-20