document number of the stock replenishment
requisition in place of the original requisition
document number.
Awaiting Parts Unit
The AWP is responsible for receiving, storing,
and controlling all AWP components returned
from the IMA. This unit should be located next
to IMA production control. The following is a
partial list of AWP responsibilities, Refer to
OPNAVINST 4790.2, volume III, chapter 14, for
more details.
l Establishing holding and staging areas.
. Requisitioning piece parts and maintain-
ing requisition files, registers, and records
necessary to monitor, follow-up, expedite,
reconcile, and report material demands for
component repair.
. Maintaining liaison with the SRS on
maintenance material matters to guarantee
delivery of material required for component
. Receiving incoming material, identifying
it to the failed component, and when all required
material is received, reinducting the component.
. Continually reviewing and following up on
off-station requisitions to fill AWP requirements.
l Establishing procedures to make sure un-
satisfactory LRCA AWP situations are made
known to higher authority for assistance.
l Making recommendations for controlled
cannibalization of AWP components after joint
review and determination between the AWP unit
representative and the IMA production control.
l Establishing procedures to BCM com-
ponents to the next level of repair when ap-
propriate. AWP management must be responsive
to aircraft maintenance needs by guaranteeing that
timely follow-up, validation, and BCM actions
are performed. The accuracy of AWP inventory
requisition records and outstanding requisitions
must be maintained through weekly reviews. A
standard of no less than 98 percent accuracy is
necessary for effective AWP management.
Additional management attention, including a
joint review of the overall AWP situation by
maintenance and supply management personnel,
is undertaken any time the number of AWP com-
ponents on hand exceeds 15 percent of the average
monthly IMA inductions or the number of aged
(more than 60 days) AWP components exceeds
1 percent of the average monthly IMA inductions.
The complex process of identifying and
specifying the material needs of an organization
is referred to as allowance or requirements
determination. The determination of material
requirements is a user responsibility rather than
a supply responsibility. However, the Navy supply
system assists in certain computation aspects of
the requirements determination process as well as
the production of standard uniform requirements
statements such as allowance lists.
The inventory control points (ICPs) are
responsible for the various data inputs, computing
the onboard repair part and equipage require-
ments, and publishing the applicable allowance
lists designed to identify the material requirements
of a ship, aircraft squadron, or shore activity.
Coordinated Shipboard
Allowance List
The Coordinated Shipboard Allowance List
(COSAL) specifies the range of shipboard
material required for support of all installed and
portable equipment and provides a list of equipage
required for a ship to perform its operational
Coordinated Shipboard/Shore-Based
Allowance List
The Coordinated Shipboard/Shore-Based
Allowance List (COSBAL) is essentially the same