Power tools, 1-36
disk sander, 1-37
drills, 1-37
extension cords, 1-39
impact scalers, 1-38
impact wrench, 1-38
portable grinders, 1-38
safety precautions, 1-39
Punches, 1-22
aligning, 1-23
center, 1-22
drift, 1-23
hollow, 1-23
hollow shank gasket punch, 1-22
pin, 1-23
prick, 1-23
Purchase cable, 3-26
Push-button station, 3-9
arresting gear controller (Pri-Fly), 3-9
control valve weight selector indictor circuit, 3-9
deckedge control, 3-10
Quality assurance, 6-13
audits, 6-16
inspector qualifications, 6-16
Replacing packings, 3-63
general precautions, 3-64
gland installation, 3-64
installing new packings, 3-64
removing old packings, 3-63
Replacing purchase cable, 3-48
cleaning wire rope, 3-52
finishing, 3-60
inspecting the terminal, 3-60
preparing and pouring zinc, 3-56
preparing cable and terminal for pouring, 3-51
preparing the terminals, 3-56
preparing wire rope, 3-51
terminal pouring, 3-52
testing the terminal, 3-60
Retracting valve, 3-10
plunger, 3-10
retracting lever, 3-11
valve body, 3-10
valve seat, 3-10
valve stem, 3-10
Retraction System, 4-31
advance stroke buffer, 4-32
retraction engine control valve, 4,33
Retraction System-Continued
retraction engine cylinder and piston, 4-31
Safety checklist, 3-67
Schematic diagrams, 1-47
electrical systems, 1-47
piping systems, 1-47
Screwdrivers, 1-28
offset, 1-30
phillips, 1-29
ratchet, 1-30
reed and prince, 1-29
standard, 1-28
Setscrew wrenches, 1-11
allen, 1-11
bristol, 1-11
Sheave damper, 3-24
Socket handles, 1-8
hinged, 1-8
ratchet, 1-8
sliding t-bar, 1-8
speedhandle, 1-8
Spanner wrenches, 1-11
hook spanner, 1-11
pin spanner, 1-11
Steam catapults, 4-1
description, 4-1
launching valve assemblies, 4-2
Steam cutoff pressure-switch installation, 4-26
Steam system, 4-16
capacity selector valve, 4-21
launching valve assembly, 4-18
launching-valve control valve, 4-22
Striking tools, 1-2
ball-peen hammer, 1-2
machinists hammers, 1-2
mallets and sledges, 1-3
soft-faced hammers, 1-2
Taps, 1-23
bottoming, 1-24
plug, 1-24
taper, 1-23
Tool Control Program, 1-1,6-13
care of hand tools, 1-2
Toolbox flashlight, 1-34
Torque wrenches, 1-8
deflecting beam, 1-8
dial indicating, 1-8
micrometer setting, 1-8