Keep flight deck clear of personnel until
aircraft has come to a stop.
Lash stanchion up before making repairs.
You should now be able to describe the
operation and function of the arresting gear engine
systems; various operational and maintenance
procedures; procedures to remove and replace
crossdeck pendants; the barricade webbing to the
stanchions; procedures
used to dereeve and
rereeve arresting gear engine purchase cables and
the procedures used to prepare, pour, and conduct
proof-load tests on the wire rope terminals.
As important as the procedures are, you should
now know to keep safety uppermost in mind. The
safety precautions in force today have been bought
many times over through reduction in damaged
equipment, personnel injuries, and fatalities.
For complete recovery equipment operation,
maintenance, overhaul, and safety instructions refer
to NAVAIR 51-5 BBA-1 for Mk 7 Mod 2 recovery
equipment and NAVAIR 51-5BCA-1 for Mk 7
Mod 3.