(8) The
assembly (C- 13 catapults)
(2) Pump and motor set
(3) Air-operated solenoid valve
(9) An auxiliary tank
(4) Control valve
b. Rotary system:
(5) Metering injectors
(1) Three main pumps
(6) Injector nozzles (CV-63 through CV-66)
(2) A circulating pump
(7) Lubricators (CV-67, and above)
(3) A gravity tank and external cooler
b. C-7/C-11 catapults:
(4) An auxiliary tank
(1) Supply tank
(5) A main hydraulic accumulator
(2) Pump and motor set
(6) An air flask
(3) Control valve
(7) The associated piping and control
(8) A drain pump
(9) The
6. Bridle tension system. The major components
of the bridle tension system are the following:
(4) Metering pumps
(5) Lubricators
8. Control system. The control system provides for
the control of the catapult during all phases of
operation. The control system is composed of the
following main control stations:
a. Control console
a. Tensioner cylinder and piston
b. Deckedge control panel
b. Air-operated solenoid valves (C-13)
c. Retraction control panel (C-13 catapults)
c. Electrically operated solenoid valves, TA
and TB (C-7/C-11)
d. Control valve
e. Air charging and blowdown valves
f. Reducing valve
d. Water brake panel (C-13 catapults)
e. Primary fly panel
f. Boiler-room panel (optional)
g. Catapult officers deckedge repeater panel.
(See note 1.)
g. Surge accumulator
h. Centerdeck control station. (See note 2.)
7. Lubrication system. Lubrication on a catapult is
accomplished through injector nozzles or lubricators
located in the cylinder covers. The components that
make up the system are as follows:
a. C-13/C-1 3- l/C- 13-2 catapults:
The repeater panel is an indicator panel
only and is not actually tied in with the catapult
(1) Supply tank