incorporated to prevent propulsion unless the
amperes continuously, or 28 volts, 750 amperes
power cables are properly stowed has decreased
this hazard, this accident still occurs because of
intermittently. The ac generator provides 120/208
volts, three phases, 400 Hz, 60 kVA, and 68 amps
and exhaust sparks from the diesel engine are
at a .8 power factor when only the ac power is
being used,
hazardous. Noise from diesel engine SE is a
All engine controls and instruments are located
serious hazard. Most operate above the 90 dBA
level, so hearing protection is a must! Other
directly in front of the operator. Controls and
hazards associated with the NC-8A include
personnel with poor driving habits or inadvertent
operator's right.
Vehicle propulsion is provided by a 28-volt dc,
NC-8A movement while close to the aircraft.
reversible, variable-speed motor. The motor is
NC-10C Power Plant
connected to the rear wheels via an automotive-
type differential. The speed is controlled by a
variable resistor in the accelerator pedal. The
The NC-10C is designed for shore-based
direction of travel is controlled by a switch
facilities. See figure 3-5. The unit will supply
mounted on the engine instrument/control panel.
regulated electric power up to 90 kVA at .08
power factor, 120/208-volt, three-phase, 400-Hz
A primary hazard associated with the NC-8A
is the tendency for the SE operator to drive off
ac for servicing, maintenance, and starting of
helicopter and jet aircraft. The unit is powered
with the power cables still connected to the air-
craft. Although a SE change (SEC) has been
by a Detroit diesel six-cylinder, two-cycle engine.
Figure 3-5.-NC-10C mobile electric power plant (MEPP).