a change in designations to group them by applica-
tion. Newly constructed and modified support
components. Avionic SE include general-purpose
equipment is now identified by MIL-STD-875A.
electronic test equipment (GPETE) and automatic
This designation system for aeronautical and
test equipment (ATE). Examples of this type of
support equipment will be identical throughout
the military services. Present SE with old designa-
quantity indicator test sets.
tions remain the same until they undergo an
Nonavionic SE (common and peculiar) in-
alteration or modification; then they are re-
cludes all equipment that is nonelectric in nature
and may be powered or nonpowered. Examples
of powered equipment are mobile electric power
Some time ago the tow tractor, known to the
plants (NC-10C), aircraft tow tractors
fleet as the MD-3, underwent the service life
( A / S 3 2 A - 3 1 ) , and mobile air-conditioners
extension program (SLEP). It emerged fleet-ready
(A/M32C-17). Examples of nonpowered SE are
and redesignated as the A/S32A-31. The new
e n g i n e stands (4000A) and maintenance
system is different from those you may be
workstands (B-4).
accustomed to, but it is a long-needed improve-
ment. After you study the equipment indicators
chart from MIL-STD-875A, you'll see it isn't so
difficult after all. See figure 3-1. Figure 3-2 shows
a breakdown of the A/S32A-31.
The most common types of powered SE are
the mobile electric power plants (MEPPs), the
mobile motor-generator sets (MMGs), the mobile
(GTCs), and the portable hydraulic power sup-
Support equipment is all equipment required
plies/hydraulic test stands.
on the ground to make an aeronautical system,
system command and control system, support
system, subsystem, or end item of equipment
operational in its intended environment. SE is
primarily that equipment covered by the Aircraft
Maintenance and Material Readiness List
Mobile electric power plants supply regulated
(AMMRL) Program.
electrical power for aircraft servicing, starting,
Support equipment is categorized as common
maintenance, and testing. There are various types
(general-purpose) and peculiar (special-purpose).
of motor generator assemblies. Some supply dc
SE is normally identified as either powered or
power only, while others furnish both dc and ac
nonpowered. SE types maybe further divided into
the categories of avionic SE and nonavionic SE.
The MEPPs used today are designed for
Avionic SE (common and peculiar) includes
operation on shore stations and aboard aircraft
all equipment of an electronics nature used for,
carriers. On aircraft carriers, these units are
but not limited to, the testing, troubleshooting,
usually mobile with minimum vehicular dimensions
Figure 3-2.-Equipment type designation.