square-head plugs, and similar parts when wired
together two or more units. Any tendency of one
in pairs. Examples 6 and 7 show a single-threaded
unit to loosen is counteracted by the tightening
component wired to a housing or lug. Example 3
of the wire.
shows several components wired in series.
Nuts, bolts, and screws are safety wired by the
Example 4 shows the proper method of wiring
single-wire double-twist method. This method is
castellated nuts and studs. Note that there is no
the most common method of safety wiring. A
loop around the nut. Example 8 shows several
single-wire may be used on small screws in close
c o m p o n e n t s in a closely spaced, closed
spaces, closed electrical systems, and in places
geometrical pattern, using the single-wire method.
difficult to reach.
Figure 2-25 shows safety wire techniques for
Figure 2-24 shows various methods com-
T-bolt clamps.
monly used in safety wiring nuts, bolts, and
When drilled-head bolts, screws, or other parts
screws. Examples 1, 2, and 5 of figure 2-24 show
are grouped together, they are more conveniently
proper methods of safety wiring bolts, screws,
Figure 2-24.-Safety wiring methods.
Figure 2-25.-V-band coupling safety wiring techniques.