Carefully remove the cell, observing the
following precautions:
1. Do not pull the cell by its fittings.
General fuel cell removal and installation
procedures are discussed in the following
2. Carefully guide the protruding fittings past
paragraphs. These procedures are applicable to
all obstructions.
the removal and installation of all fuel cells.
3. If the cell binds while removing it, do not
However, the latest technical publications must
force it. Stop to determine the cause of the trouble
be used for actual removal and installation of fuel
and remedy it before continuing. Sprinkle the cell
with talc or other suitable powder if it becomes
cells on any naval aircraft.
necessary to squeeze the cell around or between
structural members.
4. Do not pry on rubber fittings or on the cell
After the aircraft is defueled, depuddled,
with sharp instruments; use large wooden paddles.
and purged, the following steps should be
accomplished for the removal of the cell:
When removal of the cell is necessary because
of major repairs or other reasons, it should be
1. Remove required access covers.
inspected. You then reinstall it, provided it is fit
2. Remove all interior parts, lines, clamps,
for further service in the aircraft. Fuel cells should
fittings and plates from cell.
be removed when signs of leakage appear. These
signs are rubber particles in the strainer, loose
NOTE: Clean dust covers must be installed
seams, loose or cracked fittings, or if swollen
on all open tubes, ports, and disconnected
sealants are found. If the cell is considered to be
repairable beyond organizational level, it should
be crated and sent to the nearest fuel cell repair
3. Cap or plug all lines, fittings, and parts
When a fuel cell remains empty for more than
4. Place removed items in a separate container
72 hours, a thin coat of oil, Specification
for each cell, and identify with cell number and
MIL-L-6081, Grade 1010, is applied to the inner
aircraft bureau number.
liner. This should be accomplished whether the
5. If possible, locate and mark with yellow
cell is installed or removed from the aircraft for
crayon (SS-C-635) any damaged areas showing
storage. The oil will act as a temporary plasticizer,
evidence of leakage.
and it will prevent the inner liner from drying out
6. Disconnect cell fittings and interconnects.
Fuel cells that are to be returned to storage
until repairs can be accomplished at a later date
should have a coating of oil, Specification
MIL-L-6082, Grade 1065. It is applied to the
Fuel cells are easily damaged. Use caution
interior of the cell. The heavier type of oil will
when cutting nylon lacing cords.
should not be applied to the interior of self-sealing
7. Untie and remove lacing cords. If the cord
cells that have exposed sealant. It is applied when
is cut during removal, retain old cord to determine
the exposed area has been covered with an oil-
length of replacement cord.
resistant tape. Although complete coverage of the
8. Remove the screws or hangers that secure
the cell to the cavity. Install lifting device if
not be allowed to puddle in the bottom of the cell.
The cell must be handled very carefully to
Handling Procedures
prevent abrasions, cuts, and punctures. Tape
should be applied to sharp edges of all cavity
Always carry or haul fuel cells carefully. The
openings to eliminate chafing of the cell upon
purpose of carrying or handling fuel cells is to
protect the outside (retainer ply) wall. It serves
If necessary, the cell may be collapsed and
to support the shape of the cell and protect the
strapped in a folded position. Bends should not
self-sealing (sealant) layer underneath it from fuel
occur at any of the fittings.