HELICAL--Pertaining to or having the form
EAMP--Engine Analytical Maintenance
of a spiral.
ELECTROCHEMICAL--Chemical changes
to ordnance.
the power necessary to raise 33,000 pounds 1 foot
ELECTROLYTE--A conducting medium in
in 1 minute.
which the flow of current is accompanied by the
movement of ions.
HOT START--The term used when exhaust
ELECTROPLATE--To coat with a metal
gas temperatures rise above specified limits during
through the use of electricity.
the engine starting cycle.
ENERGY--The ability or capacity to do
that deals with the action or use of liquids forced
through tubes and orifices under pressure to
ENGINE TRIMMING--The term used for
operate various mechanisms.
fine tuning a newly installed engine to the air-
frame, or whenever engine fuel system major
HYDROUS--Containing water or its elements
components have been removed and/or replaced.
in some form.
FAIRING--A part or structure that has a
IMPEL--To propel or impart motion.
smooth, streamlined outline, used to cover a
nonstreamlined object.
I M P I N G E M E N T -- T h e act of striking
against. An impingement starting system is where
FAHRENHEIT--The temperature scale that
starter air is directed to strike against the turbine
registers the freezing point of water at 32 degrees
blades, causing the engine to rotate.
and the boiling point at 212 degrees.
INERTIA--The tendency of a body at rest to
remain at rest, and a body in motion to continue
to move at a constant speed along a straight line,
FLAMMABLE--Describes any combustible
unless the body is acted upon in either case by an
material that can be easily ignited and that will
unbalanced force.
burn rapidly.
FLASH POINT--The lowest temperature at
with flammable being the preferred term.
which a sufficient amount of vapor is given off
by a liquid to form an ignitable mixture with air.
INHIBITOR--A substance that decreases the
rate of or stops completely a chemical reaction.
F O D -- F o r e i g n object damage. Damage
resulting from foreign objects (nuts, bolts, rocks,
JETTISON--To throw or dump overboard.
etc.) entering the engine inlet.
For example, to drop or eject fuel, tanks, or gear
from an aircraft to lighten the load for emergency
FORCE--The action of one body on another
tending to change the state of motion of the body
acted upon. Force is usually expressed in pounds.
JOAP--Joint Oil Analysis Program.
KINETIC--Energy in motion.
LABYRINTH SEALS--Oil seals with a
nonrubbing surface. Designed to allow minimal
amounts of leakage, which is controlled by air
GRAPHITE--A soft, native black to dark-
pressure on one side.