MONOCOQUEAn aircraft structure in which the
stressed outer skin carries all or a major portion of
the torsional and bending stress.
NACELLEA streamlined structure, housing, or
compartment on an aircraft; for example a housing
for a engine.
NAMPThe Naval Aviation Maintenance Program.
NBCNuclear Biological Chemical.
PITCHThe rotational movement of an aircraft about
its lateral axis.
PRESSUREThe amount of force distributed over
each unit of area. Pressure is expressed in pounds
per square inch (psi).
PYLONA structure or strut that supports an engine
pod, external tank, etc., on an aircraft.
RADARA device that uses reflected radio waves for
the detection of objects.
RADOMEA dome housing for a radar antenna on an
RAM AIRAir forced into an air intake or duct by the
motion of the intake or duct through the air.
RPMRevolutions per minute.
deflected to control yawing movement about the
vertical axis of an aircraft.
SELECTOR VALVEA valve used to control the
flow of fluid to a particular mechanism, as in a
hydraulic system.
SESupport equipment. All of the equipment on the
ground needed to support aircraft in a state of
readiness for flight.
SERVICINGThe refilling of an aircraft with
consumables such as fuel, oil, and compressed
quantities, or weights.
SLIPSTREAMThe stream of air driven backward
by a rotating propeller.
SPECIFIC GRAVITYThe ratio of the weight of a
given volume of a substance to the weight of an
equal volume of some standard substance, such as
STRUTA type of supporting brace; a rigid member
or assembly that bears compression loads, tension
loads, or both, such as a landing gear to transmit the
load from the fuselage of the aircraft.
TABA small auxiliary airfoil set into the trailing
edge of an aircraft control surface and used to trim
or to move, or assist in moving, the larger surface.
TENSIONA force or pressure that exerts a pull or
THRUSTThe forward-direction pushing or pulling
force developed by an aircraft engine or rocket
TORQUEA turning or twisting force.
TRAILING EDGEThe aft edge of an airfoil. The
edge over which the airflow normally passes last.
VELOCITYThe rate of motion in a particular
VISCOSITYThe internal resistance of a liquid that
tends to prevent it from flowing.
WAVE OFFAn act or instance of refusing an aircraft
permission to land in an approach, requiring
another attempt. Also, the signal given an aircraft
in such refusal.
YAWThe rotational movement of an aircraft about
its vertical axis.