A7-17. The transmission of sound intelligence (voice, music, or tones) by continuous
radio-frequency waves.
A7-18. From 3,000 to 30,000 kilohertz.
A7-19. 100 to 400 megahertz.
A7-20. The Tactical Air Navigation System (TACAN).
A7-21. GPS provides highly accurate three-dimensional position, velocity, and time data
to suitably equipped aircraft anywhere on or near the earth.
A7-22. 24 satellites.
A7-23. A continuous carrier wave (CW) transmission.
A7-24. RAdio Detection And Ranging.
A7-25. Echo waves.
A7-26. 1100 feet per second.
A7-27. IFF (Identification Friend or Foe)
A7-28. Gather intelligence from enemy electronic devices and make them ineffective.
A7-29. To detect underwater sounds and transmit these sounds to aircraft.
A7-30. Magnetic Anomaly Detection (MAD).
A8-1. Ejection seats, canopy ejection systems, aircraft bomb racks, and launchers.
A8-2. A chemical used to ignite combustible substances.
A8-3. Items that are NOT normally separated from the aircraft in flight.
A8-4. An explosive is a material that is capable of producing an explosion by its own
A8-5. High explosives and low explosives.
A8-6. The bursting effect prevents its use in ammunition and gun systems because the gas
pressure formed could burst the barrel of a weapon.
A8-7. Low explosives are solid combustible materials that decompose rapidly but do not
normally explode.
A8-8. Ordnance identification provides working and safety information, such as service/
nonservice ammunition, class of explosives, and color codes representing the
explosive hazards.
A8-9. Color codes identify the explosive hazards within the ordnance.
A8-10. Bomb body, suspending lugs, fuzing, and fin assemblies.
A8-11. Full scale and sub-caliber practice bombs.
A8-12. Antitank bomb cluster and antipersonnel/anti-material bomb cluster.
A8-13. The Mighty Mouse and the Zuni rockets.
A8-14. At least 100 miles.
A8-15. The Mach number is "the ratio of the speed of an object to the speed of sound in the
medium through which the object is moving."
A8-16. Subsonic, transonic, supersonic, and hypersonic.