A10-22. No, this should be avoided.
A11-1. Protects personnel from a variety of hazards.
A11-2. The HGU84/P series helmet.
A11-3. It compresses the body to prevent blood from pooling in the lower parts.
A11-4. The Navy Back (NB), Navy Chest (NC), and Navy Ejection System (NES).
A11-5. The parachute harness.
A11-6. The torso harness suit.
A11-7. It helps deploy the main parachute.
A11-8. Two, automatic and manual inflation.
A11-9. 29 pounds.
A11-10. Identifies occupational fields.
A11-11. Inside the Rigid Seat Survival Kit (RSSK).
A11-12. Four.
A11-13. 20-man life raft.
A11-14. Two, medical and general.
A11-15. Seven.
A11-16. The Mk 13 or Mk 124 Mod 0 Marine Smoke and Illumination Signal Flare.
A11-17. Search and Rescue.
A11-18. Hoist cable and double rescue hook.
A11-19. Three.
A11-20. Two.
A12-1. Fuel (combustible matter), heat, oxygen and chemical reaction.
A12-2. The "fire point" of a substance is the lowest temperature at which its vapors can be
ignited and will continue to burn.
A12-3. The "flash point" of a substance is the temperature at which the substance gives off
enough vapors to form an ignitable mixture with an explosive range that is capable
of spreading a flame away from the source.
A12-4. Classes: A, B, C, and D.
A12-5. Water, AFFF, CO2, Halon 1211, and PKP.
A12-6. 1 1/2 or 2 1/2 inches.
A12-7. AFFF sprinkler systems are installed in the overhead on the hanger deck.
A12-8. A standard Navy fire hose comes in 50-foot lengths.
A12-9. Aluminized protective clothing.
A12-10. The Oshkosh T-3000, P-4A, P-19, and Twinned Agent Unit (TAUs).
A12-11. A/S32P-25 fire-fighting vehicle and Twinned Agent Unit TAU-2H.