Aviation Ordnanceman (AO), 1-10
Aviation ratings, 1-6
aviation general ratings, 1-6
aviation service ratings, 1-6
Aviation Storekeeper (AK), 1-10 to 1-11
Aviation Structural Mechanic (AM), 1-11 to 1-12
Aviation Structural Mechanic, Hydraulics (AMH),
Aviation Structural Mechanic, Structures (AMS),
1-11 to 1-12
Aviation Support Equipment Technician (AS), 1-12
Batteries, aircraft storage, 7-1 to 7-2
battery safety precautions, 7-2
battery (lead-acid), 7-1
battery (nickel-cadmium), 7-1
Boeing-Vertol Sea Knight, H-46
Bolts, aircraft, 5-1 to 5-3
Bomb, body, 8-6
Bomb, fin assemblies, 8-6
Bomb, fuzing, 8-6
Bomb, suspending lugs, 8-6
Bomb ejector rack, 8-25 to 8-26
Bomb rack, 8-25 to 8-26
Bomb shackles, 8-27
Bomb-type ammunition, aircraft, 8-3
Bombs, Mk 80 (series) general-purpose, 8-5
Bombs, personnel and material, 8-9
Bombs, practice, 8-6
full-scale practice bombs, 8-6
subcaliber practice bombs, 8-6
Boots, flight, 11-1
Brayton cycle, the, 6-15 to 6-16
B-2 maintenance platform, 9-17
B-4 maintenance platform, 9-18
CADs (cartridges and cartridge-actuated devices),
Career planning, 1-17
Carrier divisions, 2-16 to 2-17
Cartridges miscellaneous, 8-24
Catapult launching, 9-37 to 9-38
Chain of command, naval aviation, 2-1
Chemicals, dry, 11-16 to 11-17
Cloth helmet assembly, the (cranial protector), 10-3
CO2 fire extinguisher, 11-15 to 11-16
Communications and navigation equipment, 7-13
Computers, navigation, 7-15 to 7-17
Cotter pins, 5-21
Coverall, antiexposure, 11-1
Coveralls, anti-g, 11-3
Cranes, crash and salvage, 9-4
Cranes, maintenance, 9-7
Crash rescue and fire fighting, 12-1 to 12-21
classes of fire, 12-2 to 12-3
class A, 12-2
class B, 12-3
class C, 12-3
Crash rescue and fire fightingContinued
class D, 12-3
chemistry of fire, 12-1 to 12-2
extinguishing agents, 12-3 to 12-4
carbon dioxide, 12-3 to 12-4
chemical foam (AFFF), 12-3
chemical/mechanical foam (protein
type), 12-3
dry chemical (PKP), 12-4
Halon 1211, 12-4
water, 12-3
fire-fighting equipment, 12-6
aircraft fire-fighting and rescue trucks, 12-6
to 12-12
firemain system aboard ship, 12-4 to 12-6
mobile maintenance cranes, 9-7
Oshkosh T-3000 fire-fighting truck, 12-9
P-4A truck, 12-9 to12-10
P-19 truck, 12-10
P-25 truck 12-10 to 12-11
protective clothing, 12-8
tools, 12-7
fire-fighting techniques, 12-18 to 12-21
aircraft fire hazards, 12-18 to 12-21
armament, 12-16
battery switch, 12-16
engine accessory section, 12-15
ejection seat, 12-16
fuel spills, 12-16
hydraulic system, 12-16
selector valve, 12-16
ordnance stores, 12-14
CO2 fire extinguisher, 12-3 to 12-4
dry chemicals, 12-4
vehicle-mounted twin agent unit, 12-11
to 12-12
wheel fires, 12-20 to 12-21
fluid line identification, 12-16
line safety precautions, 10-1 to 10-50
color and marking of equipment, 12-2
hot brakes, 12-20
seat-ejection mechanisms and
power-operated canopies, 12-16
operating vehicles on airfields, 10-1
driver/operator training, 9-19
safety precautions, 10-1
standard markings for airfield danger areas,
10-48 to 10-50
safety precautions, 12-13
types and identifying characteristics of
various fuels, 12-13
Crash and salvage equipment, 9-4
A/S32A-35A (CVCC) aircraft crash and salvage
crane, 9-4
A/S32A-36A (CVCC) aircraft crash and salvage
crane, 9-4
Designations, guided missile and rocket, 8-12
Dispensers and ejectors, 8-27
Directing taxiing aircraft, 10-6