Safety precautions, line, 10-48
Safety precautions, power plant, 6-19
Schedule, typical carrier, 2-17
Schools, Navy, 1-14
Screws, 5-3 to 5-4
self-tapping screws, 5-4
setscrews, 5-4
structural screws, 5-4
Seat-ejection mechanisms and power-operated
canopies, 8-22
Shipboard fire-fighting vehicle, A/S32P-25, 9-5
Sikorsky Sea King, H-3, 2-21
Sikorsky Sea Hawk, H-60, 2-22
Sikorsky Super Stallion, H-53, 2-22
Snap rings, 5-12
Sonobuoys, 7-20
Spotting aircraft, 10-8
Squadron, organization of a, 2-8 to 2-11
aircraft squadron departments, 2-9 to 2-10
commanding officer (CO), 2-8
executive officer (XO), 2-8 to 2-9
maintenance administration, 2-1l
maintenance/material control officer, 2-10
maintenance officer, 2-10
quality assurance analysis, 2-l1
types of divisions, 2-11
Squadrons, types of, 2-7 to 2-8
carrier squadrons, 2-7 to 2-8
composite squadrons, 2-8
patrol squadrons, 2-8
Standard Antiradiation Missile (ARM), 8-19
Structural stress, 4-i to 4-4
bending, 4-2
compression, 4-2
shear, 4-2
tension, 4-1
torsion, 4-2
varying stress, 4-2
Support equipment, hazards of, 10-1 to 10-2
Support equipment ,9-1 to 9-20
aircraft handling, 10-1
air station aircraft handling, 10-33
catapult launching, 10-3
aircraft towing, 10-31
recovery, 10-7
general safety precautions for handling
aircraft aboard carriers, 10-32
helicopter handling, 10-35
helicopter tie-down and securing
procedures, 10-35
multiengine aircraft handling 10-34
aircraft fittings, 10-47
securing aircraft ashore, 10-26
securing aircraft aboard carriers, 10-26
aircraft-handling accessories, 10-29
cold weather procedures, 10-28
heavy weather procedures, 10-28
normal weather conditions, 10-27
spotting aircraft, 10-8
air operations aboard a carrier, 10-2
landing procedure, 10-7
Support equipmentContinued
launching procedure, 10-3
plane-handling crews, 10-2
aircraft handling accessories, 10-29
aircraft handling equipment, 9-1
A/S 32A-30 aircraft support equipment
towing tractor, 9-1
A/S 32A-30A tow tractor, 9-1
A/S 32A-31 tow tractor, 9-2
A/S 32A-32 tow tractor, 9-2
A/S32A-37 tow tractor, 9-3
A/S32A-42 tow tractor, 9-3
A/S32A-35A (CVCC) aircraft crash and
salvage crane, 9-4
A/S32A-36A (CVCC) aircraft crash and
salvage crane, 9-4
hazards of SE, 10-1 to 10-2
maintenance requirements, 9-18
periodic maintenance, 9-18
preoperational maintenance, 9-19
qualifications for operating SE,
operating equipment around aircraft,
servicing equipment, 9-8
A/M47A-4 jet aircraft start unit,
A/S47A-1 jet aircraft start unit,
A/M27T-5 hydraulic portable
power supply, 9-12
A/M27T-7 hydraulic portable
power supply, 9-12
A/M 26U-4 (NAN-4) nitrogen
servicing unit, 9-14
A/M32C-17 air-conditioner, 9-15
A/M32C-21 air-conditioner, 9-17
A/U26U-1 oxygen servicing unit,
gas turbine enclosure, 9-12
hydraulic jacks, 9-17
MMG-1A mobile electric power
plant, 9-11
NC-2A mobile electric power plant,
NC-8A mobile electric power plant,
NC-10C mobile electric power
TMU 70/M oxygen storage tank,
Survival equipment, personal, 11-17 to 11-21
TACAN (tactical air navigation system), 7-15
Tachometer, 7-10
Tail rotor group, 4-18 to 4-19
pylon, 4-18
rotary rudder blades, 4-18 to 4-19
rotary rudder head, 4-18