Echo principles, 7-17 to 7-18
Electrical power, emergency, 7-3
Electrical system hardware, aircraft, 5-14 to 5-16
Electronic countermeasures, 7-19 to 7-20
Emergency recovery equipment, 10-8
Engine identification, 6-16 to 6-19
Engine instruments, 7-9 to 7-1 1
Equipment color and marking of, 10-2
Equipment, types of, 9-1 to 9-20
handling equipment, 9-1 to 9-5
servicing equipment, 9-8
Exhaust gas temperature indicator, 7-9 to 7-10
Explosives, high and low, 8-2
Explosives, the fundamentals of, 8-2
Extinguishing agents, 11-2 to 11-4
carbon dioxide, 12-3
chemical foam (AFFF), 12-3
chemical/mechnaical foam (protein type), 12-3
dry chemical (PKP), 12-4
Halon 12-11, 12-4
water, 12-3
Fasteners, threaded, 5-1 to 5-7
Fire, chemistry of, 12-1
Fire hazards, aircraft, 12-13
Fire-extinguisher cartridge, aircraft, 8-24
Fire-fighting and rescue trucks, aircraft, 12-10
Fire fighting equipment, 12-5 to 12-12
Fire fighting techniques, 12-13 to 12-19
Firemain system aboard ship, 12-5 to 12-6
Fixed wing aircraft, 3-6, 4-5 to 4-15
Flat head pins 5-13
Flexible connectors/clamps, 5-14
Flight clothing, 10-1 to 10-6
Flight coveralls (intermediate weight), 10-2
Flight coveralls (summer weight), 10-2
Flight, forces affecting, 3-3 to 3-4
drag, 3-4
lift, 3-4
thrust, 3-4
weight, 3-4
Flotation assembly, 10-12
Fluid line identification, 12-16
Forest penetrator, 11-23
Forklift truck, 9-8
Fuel pressure indicator, 7-9
Fuel quantity indicator, 7-10
Fuels, types and identifying characteristics of various,
Gas turbine enclosure, 9-5
Gas turbine engines, 6-5 to 6-12
Gated D-ring, 11-6
Global positioning system (GPS), 7-15
Glossary, AI-1 to AI-4
Gloves, flight, 11-2
Grumman Hawkeye, E-2, 2-21
Grumman Prowler, EA-6, 2-21
Grumman Tomcat, F-14, 2-20
Guided missile and rocket designations, 8-12
Guided missile launchers, 8-28
Guided missiles, air-launched, 8-11
Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile
(AMRAAM), 8-17
Harpoon, 8-14
High-Speed Antiradiation Missile (HARM), 8-17
Maverick, 8-16
Penguin, 8-17
Phoenix, 8-15
Sidewinder, 8-15
Sparrow III, 8-14
Walleye guided weapon, 8-17
Guns, 20-mm automatic aircraft, 8-18
Gyro compass, 7-13
Gyroscopes, 7-12 to 7-13
Hand signals, 10-10 to 10-25 and 10-37 to 10-47
HARM (High-Speed Antiradiation Missile), 8-17
Helicopter handling, 10-35
Helicopter rescue strap, 11-22
Helmet(s), 11-2 to 11-3
Horizontal situation indicator, 7-13
Hydraulic jacks, 9-17
Hydraulic pressure indicator, 7-9
Hydraulic systems, aircraft, 4-19 to 4-21
Hydraulic portable power supply, 9-12
IFF (identification friend or foe), 7-19
Illumination devices, aircraft-launched, 8-21
Illumination devices, hand-held, 8-20
Impulse and delay cartridges, 8-25 to 8-26
Jet propulsion engines, 6-1 to 6-12
gas turbine engines, 6-5 to 6-12
pulsejet engines, 6-4 to 6-5
ramjet engines, 6-2 to 6-4
rocket engines, 6-1 to 6-2
Landing gear, fixed-wing aircraft, 4-12 to 4-13
Landing gear group, rotary-wing aircraft, 4-16
Laser guided bombs, 8-9
Leadership, 1-17
Life preserver, flight deck inflatable, 11-12
Life preserver passenger (LPP), 11-9
Life preserver unit (LPU), 11-11
Life rafts, 11-16 to 11-20
multiplace life rafts, 11-14
one-man life raft, 11-113
Lockheed Orion, P-3, 2-21