ASSIGNMENT 1Textbook Assignment: "Mission and History of Naval Aviation," chapter 1, pages 1-1 through 1-13.1-1. Leadership and what other element are now apart of your everyday life in the Navy?1. Training2. Motivation3. Maintenance4. Organization1-2. What attribute is the most important aspect ofa military organization?1. Size2. Leadership3. Mobility4. Teamwork1-3. The mission of the United States Navy is toguard and ensure which of the following taskis accomplished?1. Every ocean has a large naval fleet todefend it2. The use of the sea lanes is denied to ourenemies during peacetime3. Sea lanes of the world are kept open andsafe4. Our Navy's surface ships guard aircraftcarriers1-4. What is the primary function of naval avia-tion?1. To supply the fleet with aircraft fordeployment on aircraft carriers2. To provide the fleet with aircraft pilotsand aircrewman3. To coordinate with other armed forces inmaintaining command of the seas4. To support amphibious landing opera-tions1-5. What total number of basic operations arethere in the primary function of navalaviation?1. Five2. Six3. Seven4. Eight1-6. In addition to open ocean protection, navalaviation also provides task force protection tokeep our coastal waterways safe?1. True2. False1-7. What is the final basic operation in main-taining command of the seas?1. Scouting the forward area2. Antisubmarine warfare3. Search and rescue4. Logistic support1-8. In what year was the Navy first interested inairplanes as a naval weapon?1. 18882. 18983. 19104. 19111-9. Who staged the first demonstration of the newflying machine?1. Glenn brothers2. Wright brothers3. Ely brothers4. Curtiss brothers1-10. Eugene Ely first flew a biplane from a woodenplatform off of what ship?1. USS Pennsylvania2. USS Langley3. USS Birmingham4. USS Jupiter1-11. The Navy purchased its first aircraft on whatdate?1. June 14, 19102. October 30, 19113. May 8, 19114. April 21, 18981-15
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