Your own efforts will determine your readiness for
other jobs. The Navy needs well-trained personnel, so
work in an inspired manner regardless of your chosen
Likewise, when you get aboard ship, you will prob-
ably think that your job is only moving aircraft from
one spot to another. As with your work ashore, you will
have more responsible jobs as you learn your duties afloat.
As an Airman Recruit, you will work in one of the
more progressive areas of the naval servicenaval
As an Airman Apprentice or Airman, you can
expect various assignments. Your job may be on an
aircraft carrier as ship's company, where you will work
in a variety of jobs. You may work in an operating
carrier squadron. Carrier squadrons are shore based, but
when the air wing goes aboard a carrier, the squadron
will accompany it. You may work in a patrol squadron.
Patrol squadrons are on naval air stations in the United
States and deploy to overseas bases. You may also work
in a training squadron. Your assignment could be with
fixed-wing or rotary-wing aircraft.
Shore assignments include naval air stations, naval
air facilities, or aircraft intermediate maintenance
departments. There are other billet possibilities for the
Airman, but those are the major ones. The team
assignment is not the important thing. The important
thing is to become an integral part of the team. Always
do your best to make your team the Navy's finest.
In the Navy, leadership begins early. As an Airman
Recruit or Airman Apprentice, you have a limited
leadership role. However, you should begin to find out
the principles of good leadership. For you to perform
your responsibilities as a petty officer, you must display
the qualities of good leadership. Why not learn as much
as possible about leadership now. Leadership is
learned. Those who have become Navy leaders have
done so through the application of the principles of
leadership from an early age.
This training manual does not present an extended
leadership course. However, you will find some of the
general principles of leadership in the following
paragraphs. If you wish to read more about this subject,
refer to Basic Military Requirements, NAVEDTRA
12018, and Military Requirements for Petty Officer
Third Class, NAVEDTRA 12044. Both of these
training manuals contain information about leadership.
Military Requirements for Petty Officer Third
Class, NAVEDTRA 12044, is primarily for personnel
who are preparing for petty officer third class. You may
wish to study it to get a head start in leadership training.
The Bibliography for Advancement Examination Study,
NAVEDTRA 10052, provides titles and sections of
publications you should study when preparing for the
examination. No single publication can give you all the
information you need. Your divisional training petty
officer or the Educational Services Office (ESO) will
assist you.
A thorough knowledge of the work a person is
doing is a decided advantage to the prospective leader.
It is important that you learn everything you can about
the rate requirements of an Airman. You may find
yourself in a position where your shipmates come to
you for assistance with a problem. When you are able to
help with their problems (without embarrassing them),
you are on your way to becoming a leader.
You may even be able to do the right things
automatically. In this case, it will be a relatively easy
job for you to become the type of leader the Navy
needs. However, as stated previously, leadership is
learned. If you have to think about how you are
conducting yourself when giving help, you are normal.
The initial Machinist Mate (Aviation) rate
came from what rating?
structure took place in what year?
What manual lists the requirements for all
aviation ratings?
What general rating begins at paygrade E-6
instead of E-4?
What are aviation service ratings?
What officer or office should you contact for
assistance in finding the publications you
need to study for advancement?
The history and mission of naval aviation tells of its
importance, both yesterday and today. By learning
about what happened in the past, you gain insight into
today's world of naval aviation. Further, knowing
yesterday's role of naval aviation will help you know
what is expected of you as you work in the aviation