attached to the aircrewman by lift webs connected to a
torso harness. This torso harness is part of the shoulder
harness restraint system. The restraint system is part of
the ejection seat emergency egress system.
Upon ejection, there are two methods for deploying
the parachute. One ejection method is for seats to use
explosive cartridge-actuated projectiles to withdraw
and deploy the parachute. The other way is for seats to
trip an automatic parachute opening device when the
ejection sequence separates the occupant from the
ejection seat.
The automatic opening device pulls the ripcord
pins, which releases the pilot parachute. The pilot
parachute, in turn, pulls the main canopy and
suspension lines from the container. When full stretch
of the suspension lines is attained, a spreading gun
attached to the hem of the canopy explodes. The
explosion fires 14 projectiles in a centrifugal pattern,
which accelerates the parachute opening.
A parachute harness secures the parachute to the
wearer and provides support during the opening shock
and descent. The harnesses used by the Navy are the
standard quick-fit (used with the NB and NC
parachutes) and the integrated torso harness suit (used
with the NES parachute).
harnessthe back type (NB) and the chest type (NC).
The NB type consists of a main sling, lift webs, leg
straps, a horizontal back strap, a diagonal back strap,
and a chest strap combined into one unit. The lift webs
are the attaching points where the parachute suspension
lines are attached to the parachute canopy.
The chest type consists of the same components as
those of the back parachute. The difference between the
chest and the back harness is that the lift webs of the
chest harness may be connected to or disconnected
from the main sling. This allows you to remove the
chest parachute while wearing the parachute harness.
The Integrated Torso Harness Suit
The integrated torso harness suit (fig. 11-8)
contains the parachute harness, lap belt assembly, and
shoulder restraint harness. The suit provides mobility
while restraining the wearer to the seat during
emergency conditions. It also serves as a parachute
harness during an aircraft ejection.
The suit consists of a nylon webbing harness
encased in nylon fabric. It is a sleeveless, legless, torso
garment. Shoulder restraint adjustable straps with
quick-release fittings are for attachment of an NES
parachute assembly. A lap belt and quick-release
adapter are attached to the lap belt alignment webbing.
The lap belt assembly is used to attach a survival kit. A
webbing belt at the waist area is used to attach a life
preserver if the survival vest is not used. A zipper
located in the front closes the suit. An adjustable chest
strap provides for the final chest adjustment. The strap
is secured by a friction adapter and hook-and-pile tape
(Velcro). A gated D-ring is attached to the right
shoulder adjustable strap near the quick-release fitting.
The D-ring is used to attach a helicopter rescue hook.
Parachute Container
The parachute container holds and protects the
pilot chute, main canopy, and suspension lines. There
are many container designs. Each design is unique to its
specific aircraft egress system. Containers are either
made from nylon fabric or a contoured plastic frame
enclosed in a nylon cover.
Figure 11-8.Torso harness suit.