Emergency conditions arise quickly and leave little
or no time for preparation. You must know what
survival equipment is available and how to use it before
the need arises.
You can receive aircrew survival training in a
number of places. The first place is the aviator's
equipment shop, commonly called the "parachute loft"
or just the "paraloft." There you will meet the personnel
that rig, pack, inspect, and maintain all Navy survival
equipment. These personnel are members of the
Aircrew Survival Equipmentman rating, and are
commonly called "parachute riggers." In the parachute
loft, you can get first-hand information on the different
items that are covered in this chapter.
The next place is in Flight Physiology. There you
will find the medical people who are responsible for
survival training. You may have an opportunity to see or
even take a ride in the pressure chamber. The pressure
chamber allows you to use oxygen equipment under the
atmospheric pressure conditions encountered at high
altitudes, and to see how your body reacts to those
The multiplace egress device is used in many areas.
This device is used to simulate the problems involved in
ditching an aircraft at sea, day or night. This training
teaches you how to escape from a sinking aircraft and
how to use inflatable life rafts and life preservers.
types, characteristics, and uses of flight
Naval aircrew protective equipment is designed to
meet the extreme stresses of a combat environment. It
also provides fire protection, camouflage, and has
design features for escape and evasion. The wide range
of environmental conditions in which aircraft must
operate requires a compromise between comfort and
the high level of protection needed. Protection is the
first priority. Postcrash fire and cold water exposure are
two critical areas where the survival requirements are
more important than maintaining the best cockpit
flying conditions. Flight clothing is designed to
minimize injury from these hazards.
Aircrew personal protective equipment, such as
flight clothing, plays an important role in the safety and
survival of pilots and aircrewmen. It protects personnel
from the elements and provides adequate comfort for
efficient mission performance. The primary purpose of
flight clothing and equipment is to protect you from a
variety of hazards. No single item of clothing or
equipment can cover all the potential requirements. The
Navy uses both general flight gear and specialized
protective equipment for protection and comfort in cold
and hot climates. General flight gear consists of flight
coveralls, boots, gloves, etc.; specialized protective
equipment consists of anti-g protection coveralls and
antiexposure equipment.
The summer weight flight coverall (fig. 11-1),
which comes in two colors (sage green and blue), is a
one-piece suit made from Aramid cloth. Aramid cloth
is a high-temperature resistant, flame retardant, and
Nomex. The fabric is lightweight and does not burn, but
it begins to char at 700° to 800°F. The suit is fitted by
size, easy to put on, has ample pocket space, and is
wash and wear.
The cold weather flight coverall is a one-piece
lined coverall similar to the summer-weight flight suit.
The outer layer is a fireresistant aramid twill with an
inner layer of aramid microfiber thermal insulation.
The coverall is sized and belted, has a concealed hood
in the collar, has ample pocket space, and is wash and
wear. The coverall has adjustable sleeve cuffs, front
closure and leg zippers make it easy to get in to and
provide a snug fit. The coverall is available in 24 sizes
and may be worn instead of the summer flight suit when
conditions warrant.
Flight boots are designed to protect your feet from
high impact forces, such as crushing or piercing. The
boots are water resistant.