repairable are inventoried on the same basis as
other DLRs, and custody is transferred to the
relieving supply officer.
Relieving Report
Upon completion of the department material,
personnel, and records inspection, the officers submit a
joint relieving letter to the commanding officer.
The number of spare aircraft engines carried by the
activities are determined by their type commanders.
These engines are inventoried and managed by the type,
model, and serial number. The reporting procedures for
the Navy aircraft engine management system (AEMS)
are prescribed in NAVAIRINST 13700.15. This
instruction covers the requirements for reporting
engine/propulsion system/module (EPSM). You
should be familiar with the terms and definitions used
in AEMS.
l The AEMS on-line computer terminal is a
computer terminal used for direct input of reports and
retrieval of EPSM data.
l The controlling custodians are air commands
(NAVAIRSYSCOM) fleet support units exercising
administrative control of assignment, employment, and
logistic support of certain aircraft and engines as
specified by the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO). The
controlling custodians are listed in NAVAIRINST
. The designated repair points (DRPs) include the
naval aviation depots (NAVAVNDEPOTs), commercial
repair facilities, and Army and Air Force facilities
designated as NAVAIR fleet support custodians.
l The EPSM reporting custodians are the Navy
and Marine Corps activities, units, squadrons, and
detachments (including commercial activities) that
have physical custody of aircraft EPSMs.
l The engine transaction report (ETR) is submitted
on an as occurring basis.
l The term firewall refers to the section of an
aircraft where the engine or propulsion system is
l The module is the first sectionalized portion of
the propulsion system that is one level below the
propulsion system, Some examples of modules are the
power section, gear box, and so forth.
. The term propulsion system serial numbers
(PSSNs) is the same as the term engine serial numbers.
The Naval Aviation Maintenance Office
(NAVMAINTOFF) assigns the PSSN for modular
propulsion systems.
. Quick engine change assembly (QECA) is an
engine or propulsion system to which a quick engine
change kit (QECK) has been applied. This does not
include the propeller for reciprocating engines or turbo
prop propulsion systems. The QECA provides for rapid
replacement of an inoperable engine in an aircraft.
. A QECK is a kit containing all items required for
a quick engine assembly change except for
government-furnished equipment, engines, and
l The status codes consist of two digits that
describe the status of an aircraft EPSM. Refer to
enclosure 2 of NAVAIRINST 13700.15 for a list of
status codes.
l Star codes consist of two digits that describe the
condition or give the reason for transactions such as
strikes, transfers, removals, and so forth. The star codes
cannot be used without a status code. Refer to enclosure
2 of NAVAIRINST 13700.15 for a list of star codes.
Reporting Responsibilities
The controlling custodians are responsible for
ensuring that the reporting activities submit the ETRs
in a timely manner. The ETRs must be submitted no
later than 2400 hours on the first working day following
the date the status on EPSMs are assigned to their
custody. The reporting responsibility starts when an
EPSM has been received by a controlling custodian.
The reporting responsibility stops when the EPSM is
transferred to another controlling custodian or when the
EPSM is stricken from AEMS.
Supply officers (SUPOs) ashore and commanding
officers of fleet and industrial supply centers (FISCs)
are responsible for submitting transactions on EPSMs
directly to AEMS. This includes EPSMs received in or
transferred from their custody.
Engines and propulsion systems removed from
aircraft for organizational level maintenance or to