Controlled equipage consists of items that require
special management control because they are essential
for the protection of life or are relatively valuable and
easily converted to personal use. Items classified as
controlled equipage are listed in appendix 11 of
NAVSUP P-485. The list includes only those items
selected (or approved) by the fleet commanders in chief
to be included in this category. Proper inventory
management of controlled equipage issued for end use
requires the maintenance of separate custody records
for individual items; physical inventories; surveys of
lost, missing, or Unserviceable items; and periodic
reports of consumption, deficiencies, and excesses to
the cognizant TYCOM. Controlled equipage is in the
custody and inventory control of cognizant department
All Controlled equipage is inventoried biennially, in
each odd-numbered year, during the period between 15
February and 15 March. Additional inventories, which
must be completed within 30 days after the
commencement date, are required in the following
upon commissioning, inactivation, or
reactivation of an activity; upon relief of a department
head for those items in the custody of the department
concerned; and upon change of command at the
discretion of the relieving commanding officer.
When a shipwide inventory of controlled equipage
has been taken during the six-month period preceding
15 February, the biennial inventory requirement for the
current year is considered to be satisfied. Inventory
taken incident to the relief of department head must be
conducted jointly by the relieved and relieving
department heads.
This joint inventory must be
completed (including surveys) before the detachment
of the relieved department head.
The Controlled Equipage Custody Record,
NAVSUP Form 306, is used as a custody record and
inventory control document for controlled equipage.
The originals of the NAVSUP Form 306 are maintained
by the supply officer and, when not in use, are kept in
a locked file. All entries concerning receipts,
expenditures, and inventories are posted to the
NAVSUP Form 306. When a new NAVSUP Form 306
is required, information from the old custody record is
copied and the balance carried forward to the new card.
The old NAVSUP Form 306 is retained for 36 months
from the date of the last inventory entry in the inventory
record section.
When the inventoried quantity of a controlled
equipage item does not agree with the custody record
balance, a receipt or expenditure entry (as appropriate)
is required to adjust the custody record balance. Such
adjustments may be made only after recount,
investigation, and research have been unable to
reconcile the difference. When the gain difference
cannot be reconciled, a GBI is posted to the Transaction
Record column, and for a signature-required item, the
responsible department heads signature is required to
acknowledge custody of the increased quantity. When
the loss difference cannot be reconciled, the
expenditure of the deficient quantity must be
documented on a DD Form 200. Surveys are also
required for any unserviceable items discovered during
the inventory. When the survey is for an item suspected
of being stolen, its loss must be reported to the Naval
Criminal Investigative Service Headquarters (NCISH),
2461 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22314.
Additional guidance for reporting theft can be found in
SECNAV Instruction 5500.4. The term loss by
inventory or LB I is not an authorized entry in controlled
equipage records.
Upon completion of a controlled equipage
inventory, each department head submits a letter report
to the commanding officer, with a copy to the supply
officer. When controlled equipage is inventoried on
change of department head, the letter report must be
signed by both the relieved and relieving department
Letter reports include the following
. Controlled equipage inventory has been
. Surveys applicable to shortages and
unserviceable items have been submitted (or reasons
why they have not been submitted)
l Issue requests applicable to shortages and
unserviceable items requiring replenishment have been
submitted to the supply officer (or reasons why they
have not been submitted)
l List of excess controlled equipage items,
including justification or authority for any excess items
desired to be retained
Detailed procedures for the physical inventory of
controlled equipage and entries required on the
NAVSUP Form 306 can be found in NAVSUP P-567
and NAVSUP P-485.