Contingency Support Package (CSP)
CSP material is stock material considered essential
to mission support of deployed Marine Corps aviation
units. Stock records for designated items are identified
and material is stored in such a manner that removal and
shipment can be done quickly.
Maintenance Support Package (MSP)
MSP materials are small, fast-moving, low-cost,
consumable aviation repair parts. MSP material is
under the custody of the supply officer and, when
possible, should be located near the aircraft
intermediate maintenance department (AIMD).
Pre-Expended Bin (PEB)
Materials in the PEB are maintenance-related,
high-usage items with a unit cost of 0 or less.
However, commanding officers may increase the PEB
unit price limit. To qualify as a PEB item, the material
must experience three demand frequencies per month.
The demand frequency in this case does not necessarily
mean the number of times the item is requested from
supply, but to the number of times the item is required
for maintenance jobs. For example, one transaction of
machine screws with a unit of issue of hundred (HD)
represents one issue by supply, but may represent
several applications to different maintenance jobs. PEB
items are expended from supply department records and
placed in locations convenient to maintenance
personnel on a free issue basis. The quantities of PEB
items is limited to one months supply except for items
assigned with a unit of issue (for example, gross) that
may exceed the maintenance requirements for one
SEAMARTs are established to provide a
convenient method of issuing low-cost, high-usage
consumable items. Material carried in SEAMART
must meet the frequency of demand and unit price limits
established by the ships supply officer. TYCOM
approval is required to establish a SEAMART.
Aviation Fly-In Support Package (FISP)
Materials in the FISP consist of selected aviation
repair parts that accompany aircraft deploying to an
amphibious operating area. The purpose of the FISP is
to provide temporary organizational level supply
support until such time that intermediate level facilities
and materials become available. Material in the FISP is
in addition to normal AVCAL allowances. The FISP is
maintained as a protected stock asset by Marine Corps
aircraft groups (MAGs) that provide aircraft to the
maritime prepositioned ships marine amphibious
brigade aviation combat element.
Maintenance Assistance Modules (MAMs)
The MAMs are replaceable assemblies required to
execute approved maintenance plans that call for
progressive or selected module substitution. The
MAMs are considered as DLRs and are under the
management control of the supply officer, but may be
located in the operating and maintenance spaces under
the subcustody of the operating or maintenance
Test Bench Installations (TBIs)
The TBIs are similar to MAMs. They are DLRs
installed within a test bench and used as part of the test
bench to isolate faults. The initial requirements for
TBIs are identified during the AVCAL process but are
not included as part of the freed allowance. The TBIs
are issued to the custody of the intermediate
maintenance activity (IMA) by the supply officer.
Controlled Equipage
Controlled equipage refers to those items of
equipage that require special management control.
Refer to Appendix II of NAVSUP P-485 for a list of
items classified as controlled equipage.
Physical inventories are conducted on a scheduled
or unscheduled basis to determine the accuracy of, and
adjust differences between, storeroom quantities and
stock records. The frequency of inventories is
dependent upon the category of material involved and
the degree of validity of the stock records. Preplanning
and accuracy are the key factors for an effective
inventory management afloat.
Inventory Schedule
Physical inventories afloat should be scheduled to
permit accurate and timely physical counts, preliminmy
and causative research, and posting to the stock records.
Regular inventories of small lots are preferable to