receipt control processing, inventory count procedures,
and stock record maintenance.
The AK basically deals with material inventories
consisting of consumables and repairable.
1. Consumables refer to administrative and
housekeeping items, tools, forms, repair parts, and other
materials consumed by end users.
2. Repairable refer to components, assemblies,
subassemblies, and modules determined by the Navy
manager as economically repairable when it becomes
Repair parts and consumable segments consist of
peacetime operating stock (POS) and non-POS
allowance list items, nonallowance POS items, and
material scheduled for off-load. Repairable are stock
items that, if returned to service through repair cycles,
can achieve inventory savings. Some repairable
management programs are covered in other chapters of
this training manual (TRAMAN).
Allowance List Non-POS Items
Allowance list non-POS items are items carried in
stock based on allowance quantities established in the
consolidated shipboard allowance list (COSAL),
aviation consolidated allowance list (AVCAL), or load
Allowance List POS Items
Allowance list POS items are items carried in stock
based on quantities established in the COSAL, AVCAL,
or load list plus additional quantities as determined by
demand and frequency recorded in the stock records.
Non allowance POS Items
Nonallowance POS items are items carried in stock
based on the activitys demand requirements, but not
included on any allowance list.
Material Scheduled for Off-Load
Material scheduled for off-load are items in stock
but no longer required because of a reduction in
allowance quantities or classified as excess material.
The following are some of the basic objectives of
inventory control procedures afloat:
. Focus attention on very few items that will
satisfy the majority of the onboard demands for material
. Maintain an accurate consumption data required
for the 3-M systems program and for maintaining
adequate supply levels
. Maintain a historical demand data file for not
carried (NC) items
. Reduce physical inventory requirements and
prescribe standard inventory procedures
l Provide for effective management of controlled
equipage, depot level repairable (DLRs), and
presentation silver
The policy for
stock material that
managing the range and depth of
each ship is required to carry for
self-support is describe din OPNAVINST 4441 .12. The
average endurance levels of demand based repair parts
and equipment related consumables to be carried by an
aircraft carrier is 75 days. For nonequipment related,
the average endurance level is 60 days. Stock records
are grouped as either POS or non-POS for the purposes
of levels computation (demand history processing).
Stock levels for non-POS records are established
with the requisitioning objective (RO) set equal to the
various allowance quantities. The reorder point (RP) is
set to one less than the RO, or to a percentage factor of
the RO.
Note: The RO is the same as the high limit and the
RP is the same as the low limit.
For POS material stock records, the RO and I/Pare
computed by SUADPS-RT programs. The RP is equal
to the order and shipping level, plus the safety level.
The RO is equal to the RP quantity plus the operating
level quantity.
Some of the special material management programs
related to inventory management are discussed briefly
in the following paragraphs.