Causative Research
In inventory management, causative research is an
in-depth investigation of selected inventory
adjustments to find out how they occurred. The errors
found as a result of the causative research effort must
be corrected. Unprocessed or incorrectly processed
inventory adjustments need to be corrected to
accurately reflect audit trail history. A summary of the
causative research must be submitted to direct
management actions to prevent reoccurrence.
TIME FRAME. Causative research should be
conducted after the physical inventory is completed and
adjustments are processed to the stock records. The
causative research must be completed within 45 days of
the date that the adjustments are processed to the stock
record. Causative research may be conducted before
the completion of physical inventory if the time frame
for processing inventories is met.
ERROR CAUSES. The error causes identified
by the causative research are summarized and provided
in the physical inventory section of the DOD Inventory
Control Effectiveness Report. A local management
briefing must be conducted quarterly to discuss the
summarized causative research results.
DLA-OWNED MATERIAL. Stock points do
not conduct causative research of DLA owned material
unless directed by the appropriate DSC. The DSCs may
request a causative research to be performed by stock
points according to the MILSTRAP.
Location Survey
The procedures used for conducting location
surveys depend upon the system being used by the
STATLOC ACTIVITIES. Activities using the
statistical location (STATLOC) survey system should
perform a sample location survey quarterly. Samples
used for a location survey are drawn from the total
population of recorded locations. To ensure that the
samples size is large enough, activities should serialize
the STATLOC run. This allows each serial group to
have its sample size determined independently.
Activities are required to maintain at least a
98-percent location survey accuracy rate in all
warehouses/warehouse areas. If the accuracy rate is
below 98 percent, the following actions are performed
within 90 days of the initial sample survey date:
l Conduct a 100 percent location survey of the
warehouse/warehouse area that failed the criteria. This
method is recommended for low-dollar value items
with high on-hand quantities.
l Conduct a 100 percent physical inventory of the
warehouse/warehouse area that failed the criteria. This
method is recommended for areas with high-dollar
value items and low on-hand quantities.
All STATLOC activities will conduct a location
survey for all locations at least once every 3 fiscal years.
without the STATLOC system may use a sampling
approach to location survey if the method is approved
by COMNAVSUPSYSCOM. In this case, the same
procedures as for the STATLOC activities apply.
Activities not using the sampling approach must
perform one of the following actions:
l Complete a location survey of all locations once
each fiscal year. A 100-percent physical inventory of
all items in a warehouse/warehouse area satisfies the
annual location survey requirement for that area.
l Complete physical inventory of all items in
storage once each fiscal year.
Location Survey Report
Upon completion of location survey requirements,
stock points must submit the Location Survey Section
of the DOD Inventory Control Effectiveness Report.
Refer to enclosure 7 of NAVSUPINST 4440.115 for
procedures in preparing the report.
Quality Control Checks
Stock Points are required to perform quality control
checks according to NAVSUPINST 4440.184. The
purpose of the quality control check is to identify the
systems, procedures, or human errors that adversely
affect the accuracy of stock records. Management level
uses the result of these checks to resolve any
Performance Measurements and Goals
The location survey, location reconciliation, and
inventory performance must be monitored and
compared with the goals described in the following
For line item accuracy, the performance goals are
98 percent for class A-high dollar value (unit price