processing material transfer only if record balances aresuspect or the item is classified or sensitive.SCHEDULED INVENTORY.— This inventoryis accomplished at a given time for a specific materialcategory. The inventory frequency for each type ofmaterial is discussed in the following paragraphs.General Supplies.— A random statistical sampleinventory of the total population of items in storage isconducted quarterly to determine the overall inventoryaccuracy rate. Activities under the Uniform AutomatedData Processing System-Stock Points (UADPS-SP) usethe Statistical Accuracy Techniques and MeasurementsAnalysis (STATMAN) system to perform the sampleinventory. The non-UADPS-SP activities have the‘option to perform an annual wall-to-wall inventoryinstead of a quarterly sample inventory.For arms, ammunition, and controlled inventoryitems, use the procedures described in OPNAVINST5530.13. Sonobuoys must be inventoried annually.Narcotics, drug abuse items and alcohol, andprecious metals (Security codes Q and R) areinventoried quarterly.Refer to NAVSUPINST4440.146 for additional information.Classified (Security codes A through H, K, L, O, S,and T) items are inventoried annually as required byDODINST4140.35, In addition to the annual inventoryrequirement, NAVSUP Publication 1, Volume II,Supply Ashore, requires the maintenance andreconciliation of dual stock records. This is performedby matching the manual stock records and the masterstock item record (MSIR). The manual stock record isto be maintained on NAVSUP Form 766, Stuck RecordCard, by the storage branch/division. To ensureinventory accuracy, the annual classified inventory andthe reconciliation of the manual stock record must bescheduled alternately at six-month intervals.Pilferable items (Security codes I, J, M, V, W, X, Y,Z) must be inventoried annually as required byDODINST4140.35.Consumer Level Stock.— These are items carriedin service marts (SERVMARTS), shop stores, readysupply stores, and W purpose repairables that are partof the fixed allowance assets.Items in SERVMART must be inventoried onceeach fiscal year according to NAVSUPINST 4400.59.The inventory adjustments (based on dollar value ofgains or losses) must not exceed one percent of the totalsales since the last scheduled inventory. If the inventoryadjustment is over one percent, an inventory must betaken quarterly until the financial adjustments arewithin limits as prescribed by NAVSUPINST 4400.59.The shop stores and ready supply stores areinventoried once each fiscal year according to NAVSUPPublication 1, Volume 2, Supply Ashore.Inventory the fixed allowance assets in W purpose(SHORCAL) annually according to NAVSUPINST4440.160.Scheduled Inventory RequirementsDuring the fourth quarter of each fiscal year, stockpoints prepare a physical inventory schedule for thefollowing fiscal year. The stock points should considerthe following factors when preparing the schedule:1. The estimated number of scheduled andunscheduled inventories to be conducted for the fiscalyear.2. Results of the recent statistical random sampleinventories and location surveys. If the results dictatethe need for a wall-to-wall inventory, the annualschedule must be updated with the scheduled inventoryrequirement.3. Requests for inventory from the NAVICP/DSC.4. Mandatory inventory requirements described inprevious paragraphs.Format for Annual Physical InventoryScheduleThe annual schedule indicates the inventoriesprojected for execution during each quarter of the fiscalyear. The schedule should be in the following format:1. Inventory Segment. This column identifies thetype of material to be inventoried. Some examples ofthe different types of material are classified, specificsupply group or class, and so forth.2. Scheduled Inventory Line Items. This containsthe number of line items included in the segment ofinventory.3. Warehouse/Warehouse Areas. This identifiesthe warehouse or warehouse areas in which theinventory is conducted.4. Preliminary Cutoff Date. At start of business onthis date (7 to 15 days before the actual cutoff date),inventory controls are established and tracking ofin-process transactions begin.5-8
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